Part I. User's Guide to Akeeba Backup for
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- What is Akeeba Backup?
- What can I use Akeeba Backup for?
- A typical backup/restoration work flow
- Server environment requirements
- 2. Installation, updates and upgrades
- Installing Akeeba Backup
- Installing or manually updating the extension
- Install from URL
- Upload and install.
- Manual installation
- Troubleshooting the installation
- Upgrading from Core to Professional
- Automatic updates
- Troubleshooting the update
- Addressing server issues
- Check the validity of your Download ID
- Check your subscription status
- Multiple Professional edition Akeeba extensions with
different Download IDs
- Entering or changing your Download ID after an update is
- Updates are showing after installing the latest
- Updates not showing despite having an older version
- Check the update site
- Miscellaneous troubleshooting and information
- The update fails to download
- Updating with a third party service fails
- Manual update
- Update installation problems
- Entering your Download ID
- Downgrades
- Uninstalling Akeeba Backup
- Requesting support and reporting bugs
- 3. Migrating from old versions of Akeeba Backup and Joomla!
- Joomla 1.x and 2.5
- Joomla 3 minor version updates
- Joomla 3 to Joomla 4
- On your Joomla 3 site
- After upgrading to Joomla 4
- Miscellaneous information
- Joomla 4 minor version updates
- Joomla 4 to Joomla 5
- Joomla 5 minor version updates
- Joomla 5 to Joomla 6
- 4. Using the Akeeba Backup component
- Custom administrator menu items
- Control Panel
- Backup
- Configuration
- Manage Backups
- Restore Latest Backup
- Site Transfer Wizard
- What to do if you don't have any menu items to Akeeba
- Pages outside the Control Panel panes
- Common navigation elements
- The Control Panel
- Additional controls, warnings and error messages in the
Control Panel
- Web Push controls
- Full page errors
- Download ID messages
- Media files' permissions
- CloudFlare RocketLoader
- Missing mbstring
- Obsolete PHP version
- Front-end backup Secret Word
- Insecure output directory
- Configuration Wizard
- Migrate your settings from an older Akeeba Backup
- Editing the component's Options
- Back-end
- Front-end backup
- Push notifications
- Permissions
- Basic Operations
- Profiles Management
- Configuration Wizard
- Configuration
- The main settings
- Basic Configuration
- Advanced configuration
- Site overrides
- Optional filters
- Quota management
- Fine tuning
- Database dump engines
- Native MySQL Backup Engine
- File and directories scanner engines
- Smart scanner
- Large site scanner
- Archiver engines
- ZIP format
- JPA format
- Encrypted Archives (JPS format)
- DirectFTP
- DirectFTP over cURL
- DirectSFTP
- DirectSFTP over cURL
- ZIP using ZIPArchive class
- Data processing engines
- No post-processing
- Send by email
- Upload to Amazon S3
- Automatic provisioning of Access and Secret Key on EC2
instances with an attached IAM Role
- Setting up Wasabi
- Upload to BackBlaze B2
- Upload to
- Upload to CloudMe
- Upload to DreamObjects
- Upload to Dropbox (v2 API)
- Upload to Google Drive
- Upload to Google Storage (JSON API)
- Upload to Google Storage (Legacy S3 API)
- Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business
- Upload to OneDrive (LEGACY)
- Upload to OneDrive (App-specific Folder)
- Upload to Microsoft Windows Azure BLOB Storage
- Upload to OVH Object Storage
- Upload to OpenStack Swift object storage
- Upload to RackSpace CloudFiles
- Upload to Remote FTP server
- Upload to Remote FTP server over cURL
- Upload to Remote SFTP server
- Upload to Remote SFTP server over cURL
- Upload to SugarSync
- Upload to iDriveSync
- Upload to WebDAV
- Backup now
- Troubleshooting backup issues
- Backup fails after switching to another browser tab,
browser window or application
- Where are my backup files?
- How can I download my backup files?
- Why do I get warnings about unreadable files or
- I got an "AJAX loading error" when backing up. What
should I do?
- My backup files are not being uploaded to Amazon
- How do I know that my backup archive works?
- What happens if I have a backup or restoration
- Manage Backups
- Integrated restoration
- Downloading backup archives
- Manage remotely stored files
- How the Manage Backups page works with local and remote
backup archive files and where quota management fits in
- Import archives
- Import archives from S3
- View Log
- Include data to the backup
- Multiple Databases Definitions
- Off-site Directories Inclusion
- Exclude data from the backup
- Files and Directories Exclusion
- Database Tables Exclusion
- RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion
- Regular Expressions recipes for files and
- RegEx Database Tables Exclusion
- Regular Expressions recipes for database tables
- Automating your backup
- Taking backups automatically
- Front-end backup, for use with CRON
- Remote JSON API
- Native CRON script
- Alternative CRON script
- Joomla Scheduled Tasks (without CLI)
- The two Akeeba Backup task types
- DANGER AHEAD: Caveats on using Joomla Scheduled
- Setting up your site for lazy backup scheduling
- Setting up your site for scheduling using a URL CRON
- Setting up your site for scheduling using a CLI CRON
- Checking for failed backups automatically
- Front-end backup failure check, for use with CRON
- CRON script for backup failure check
- Alternative CRON script for backup failure check
- Site Transfer Wizard
- Akeeba Backup and the Joomla! custom public folder
- What is a custom public folder?
- Backing up a site with a custom public folder
- Restoring a site with a custom public folder, keeping the
custom public folder
- Restoring a site with a custom public folder, without keeping
the custom public folder
- Implementing incremental backups
- Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers
- Understanding OAuth2
- Custom OAuth2 helpers for more than one sites
- Custom OAuth2 helpers by storage provider
- Creating the custom helper
- Using the custom helper
- Dropbox
- Creating the custom helper
- Using the custom helper
- Google Drive
- Creating the custom helper
- Using the custom helper
- OneDrive
- Creating the custom helper
- Using the custom helper
- 5. Akeeba Backup Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Common conventions
- Command reference
- Backup record management
- akeeba:backup:take
- akeeba:backup:list
- akeeba:backup:info
- akeeba:backup:modify
- akeeba:backup:delete
- akeeba:backup:upload
- akeeba:backup:fetch
- akeeba:backup:download
- Log management
- akeeba:log:list
- akeeba:log:get
- Exclude and include filters management
- akeeba:filter:list
- akeeba:filter:delete
- akeeba:filter:exclude
- akeeba:filter:include-database
- akeeba:filter:include-directory
- Profile configuration options management
- akeeba:option:list
- akeeba:option:get
- akeeba:option:set
- Backup profile management
- akeeba:profile:list
- akeeba:profile:modify
- akeeba:profile:reset
- akeeba:profile:create
- akeeba:profile:copy
- akeeba:profile:delete
- akeeba:profile:export
- akeeba:profile:import
- Component options management
- akeeba:sysconfig:list
- akeeba:sysconfig:get
- akeeba:sysconfig:set
- 6. Miscellaneous Extensions (Modules, Plugins)
- Action Log
- Quick Icon
- Backup on Update
- 7. Restoring backups and general guidelines
- General guidelines for backing up and restoring your
- Guidelines for storing your backups remotely / "cloud
- Overview of the backup restoration procedure
- Extracting your backup archives
- Using the integrated restoration feature (most
- Using Akeeba Kickstart
- Using third party software
- Troubleshooting restored sites
- Common issues on restored sites and how to solve them
- Common issues on restored sites due to PHP incompatibilities
between the source and target server
- When updating the restored site, the original site changes as
well (Entangled web sites)
- Clicking on a link on the restored site takes me to the
original site (link migration issues)
- Issues arising from your computer configuration, browser,
ISP, antivirus and firewall incompatibilities
- Unorthodox: the emergency restoration procedure