This is the default setting and the only one one available to Akeeba Backup Core. It does no post-processing. It simply leaves the backup archives on your server.
Send by email
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Send by email
Akeeba Backup will send you the backup archive parts as file attachments to your email address. You need to be aware of the restrictions:
You MUST set the Part size for split archives setting of the Archiver engine to a value between 1-10 Megabytes. If you choose a big value (or leave the default value of 0, which means that no split archives will be generated) you run the risks of the process timing out, a memory outage error to occur or, finally, your email servers not being able to cope with the attachment size, dropping the email.
As a result, this is only suitable for really small sites.
The available configuration settings for this engine, accessed by pressing the
button next to it, are:If you enable this, each backup part will be emailed to you as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the email fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the email process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the email process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are emailed to you. Very useful to conserve disk space and practice the good security measure of not leaving your backups on your server.
The email address where you want your backups sent to. When used with GMail or other webmail services it can provide a cheap alternative to proper cloud storage.
A subject for the email you'll receive. You can leave it blank if you want to use the default. However, we suggest using something descriptive, i.e. your site's name and the description of the backup profile.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. Older versions of Akeeba Backup may not have all of the options discussed here. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the Amazon S3 cloud storage service and other storage services providing an S3-compatible API.
This engine supports multi-part uploads to Amazon S3. This means that, unlike the other post-processing engines, even if you do not use split archives, Akeeba Backup will still be able to upload your files to Amazon S3. This new feature allows Akeeba Backup to upload your backup archive in 5Mb chunks so that it doesn't time out when uploading a very big archive file. That said, we STRONGLY suggest using a part size for archive splitting of 2000MB. This is required to work around a limitation on older versions of PHP which can cause the backup or extraction to fail if the backup size is equal to or greater than 2GB.
You can also specify a custom endpoint URL. This allows you to use this feature with third party cloud storage services offering an API compatible with Amazon S3 such as Cloudian, Riak CS, Ceph, Connectria, HostEurope, Dunkel,, Nimbus, Walrus, GreenQloud, Scality Ring, CloudStack and so on. If a cloud solution (public or private) claims that it is compatible with S3 then you can use it with Akeeba Backup.
![]() | Note |
Akeeba Backup also supports the Amazon S3 regions in China, e.g. the Beijing Amazon S3 region. Buckets in these regions are only accessible from inside China and have a few caveats:
Upload to Amazon S3
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Amazon S3.
Your Amazon S3 Access Key. Required unless you run Akeeba Backup inside an EC2 instance with an attached IAM Role. Please read about this below.
Your Amazon S3 Secret Key. Required unless you run Akeeba Backup inside an EC2 instance with an attached IAM Role. Please read about this below.
If enabled, an encrypted connection will be used to upload your archives to Amazon S3.
![]() | Warning |
Do not use this option if your bucket name contains dots. |
When this option is disabled Akeeba Backup will use the old Amazon S3 endpoint domain names which only support IPv4. When this option is enabled Akeeba Backup will use the new Amazon S3 endpoint domain names which support both IPv4 and IPv6.
It is strongly recommended to leave this option enabled if you are using Amazon S3 proper (instead of a third party service which is S3 compatible). If your server supports IPv6 it will result in slightly faster uploads to Amazon S3. Even if your server doesn't support IPv6 yet this is a good forwards-compatible option, i.e. when your server is upgraded to support IPv6 your connection to Amazon S3 will be upgraded as well.
The name of your Amazon S3 bucket where your files will be stored in. The bucket must be already created; Akeeba Backup can not create buckets.
![]() | Warning |
DO NOT CREATE BUCKETS WITH NAMES CONTAINING UPPERCASE LETTERS. AMAZON CLEARLY WARNS AGAINST DOING THAT. If you use a bucket with uppercase letters in its name it is very possible that Akeeba Backup will not be able to upload anything to it. More specifically, it seems that if your web server is located in Europe, you will be unable to use a bucket with uppercase letters in its name. If your server is in the US, you will most likely be able to use such a bucket. Your mileage may vary. The same applies if your bucket name contains dots and you try using the Use SSL option, for reasons that have to do with Amazon S3's setup. Please note that this is a limitation imposed by Amazon itself. It is not something we can "fix" in Akeeba Backup. If this is the case with your site, please DO NOT ask for support; simply create a new bucket whose name only consists of lowercase unaccented Latin characters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and dashes. |
Please select which S3 Region you have created your bucket in. This is MANDATORY for using the newer, more secure, v4 signature method. You can see the region of your bucket in your Amazon S3 management console. Right click on a bucket and click on Properties. A new pane opens to the left. The second row is labelled Region. This is where your bucket was created in. Go back to Akeeba Backup and select the corresponding option from the drop-down.
![]() | Important |
If you choose the wrong region the connection WILL fail. |
Please note that there are some reserved regions which have not been launched by Amazon at the time we wrote this engine. They are included for forward compatibility should and when Amazon launches those regions.
This option determines the authentication API which will be used to "log in" the backup engine to your Amazon S3 bucket. You have two options:
v4 (preferred for Amazon S3). If you are using Amazon S3 (not a compatible third party storage service) and you are not sure, you need to choose this option. Moreover, you MUST specify the Amazon S3 Region in the option above. This option implements the newer AWS4 (v4) authentication API. Buckets created in Amazon S3 regions brought online after January 2014 (e.g. Frankfurt) will only accept this option. Older buckets will work with either option.
![]() | Important |
v4 signatures are only compatible with Amazon S3 proper. If you are using a custom Endpoint this option will NOT work. |
v2 (legacy mode, third party storage providers). If you are using an S3-compatible third party storage service (NOT Amazon S3) you MUST use this option. We do not recommend using this option with Amazon S3 as this authentication method is going to be phased out by Amazon itself in the future.
This option determines how the API will access the
Bucket. If unsure, use the Virtual
The two available settings are:
Virtual Hosting (recommended). This is the recommended and supported method for Amazon S3. Buckets created after May 2019 will only support this method. Amazon has communicated that this method is the only available in Amazon S3's API starting September 2020.
Path Access (legacy). This is the older, no longer supported method. You should only need to use it with a custom endpoint and ONLY if your storage provider has told you that you need to enable it.
The directory inside your Amazon S3 bucket where
your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
![]() | Tip |
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM]. |
Since Akeeba Backup 3.2, uploads to Amazon S3 of parts over 5Mb use Amazon's new multi-part upload feature. This allows Akeeba Backup to upload the backup archive in 5Mb chunks and then ask Amazon S3 to glue them together in one big file. However, some hosts time out while uploading archives using this method. In that case it's preferable to use a relatively small Part Size for Split Archive setting (around 10-20Mb, your mileage may vary) and upload the entire archive part in one go. Enabling this option ensures that, no matter how big or small your Part Size for Split Archives setting is, the upload of the backup archive happens in one go. You MUST use it if you get RequestTimeout warnings while Akeeba Backup is trying to upload the backup archives to Amazon S3.
Select the storage class for your data. Standard is the regular storage for business critical data. Please consult the Amazon S3 documentation for the description of each storage class.
![]() | Note |
Glacier and Deep Archive storage classes are much cheaper but have long delays (several seconds to several hours) in retrieving or deleting your files. Using these storage classes is not compatible with the Enable Remote Quotas configuration option and the Manage Remotely Stored Files feature in the Manage Backups page. This is a limitation of Amazon S3, not Akeeba Backup. We strongly recommend not using these storage classes directly in Akeeba Backup. Instead, use one or more Lifecycle Policies in your Amazon S3 bucket. These can be configured in your Amazon S3 control panel and tell Amazon when to migrate your files between different storage classes. For example, you could use Intelligent Tiering in Akeeba Backup together with the Maximum Backup Age quotas and Remote Quotas to only keep the last 45 days of backup archives and the backups taken on the 1st of each month. You could then also add two lifecycle policies to migrate backup archives older than 60 days to Glacier and archives older than 180 days to Deep Archive. This way you would have enough backups to roll back your site in case of an emergency but also historical backups for safekeeping or legal / regulatory reasons. Feel free to adjust the time limits to best suit your business use case! |
Enter the custom endpoint (connection URL) of a third party service which supports an Amazon S3 compatible API. Please remember to set the Signature method to v2 when using this option.
Regarding the naming of buckets and directories, you have to be aware of the Amazon S3 rules:
Folder names can not contain backward slashes (\). They are invalid characters.
Bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.) and dashes (-). Accented characters, international characters, underscores and other punctuation marks are illegal characters.
![]() | Important |
Even if you created a bucket using uppercase letters, you must type its name with lowercase letters. Amazon S3 automatically converts the bucket name to all-lowercase. Also note that, as stated above, you may NOT be able to use at all under some circumstances. Generally, your should avoid using uppercase letters. |
Bucket names must start with a number or a letter.
Bucket names must be 3 to 63 characters long.
Bucket names can't be in an IP format, e.g.
Bucket names can't end with a dash.
Bucket names can't have an adjacent dot and dash. For
example, both my.-bucket
are invalid. It's best to avoid dots
at all as they are incompatible with the Use SSL
If any - or all - of those rules are broken, you'll end up with error messages that Akeeba Backup couldn't connect to S3, that the calculated signature is wrong or that the bucket does not exist. This is normal and expected behaviour, as Amazon S3 drops the connection when it encounters invalid bucket or directory names.
Starting with version 6.2.0, Akeeba Backup can automatically provision temporary credentials (Access and Secret Key) if you leave these fields blank. This feature is meant for advanced users who automatically deploy multiple sites to Amazon EC2. This feature has four requirements:
Using Amazon S3, not a custom endpoint. Only Amazon S3 proper works with the temporary credentials issued by the EC2 instance.
Using the v4 signature method. The old signature method (v2) does not work with temporary credentials issued by the EC2 instance. This is because Amazon requires that the requests authenticated with these credentials to also include the Security Token returned by the EC2 instance, something which is only possible with the v4 signature method.
Running Akeeba Backup on a site which is hosted on an Amazon EC2 instance. It should be self understood that you can't use temporary credentials issued by the EC2 instance unless you use one. Therefore, don't expect this feature to work with regular hosting; it requires that your site runs on an Amazon EC2 server.
Attaching an IAM Role to the Amazon EC2 instance. The IAM Role must allow access to the S3 bucket you have specified in Akeeba Backup's configuration.
When Akeeba Backup detects that both the Access and Secret Key fields are left blank (empty) it will try to query the EC2 instance's metadata server for an attached IAM Role. If a Role is attached it will make a second query to the EC2 instance's metadata server to retrieve its temporary credentials. It will then proceed to use them for accessing S3.
The temporary credentials are cached by Akeeba Backup for the duration of the backup process. If they are about to expire or expire during the backup process new credentials will be fetched from the EC2 instance's metadata server using the same process.
Creating and attaching IAM Roles to EC2 instances is beyond the scope of our documentation and our support services. Please refer to Amazon's documentation.
Wasabi is an inexpensive file storage storage which offers an Amazon S3-compatible API which even supports the v4 signature method. You can use it with Akeeba Backup's “Upload to Amazon S3” feature. However, it's a bit tricky to set up because —unlike most S3-compatible providers— they do not offer all the information you need in one place.
First, you need to go to to create a pair of keys. Click on the button towards the top of the page. In the dialog which opens, select Root User and click on the button.
A new dialog appears. Click on the
button. Open a plain text editor (e.g. Notepad) and paste the contents there. You will get something like this:access-key= ABCD23EFGH5JKLMNOPQ6 secret-key= GSNQyzrsZFHwEu8QgBsNAhD5KT6XAkfJ2s8S7LEB
In this case the Access
and the
Secret Key is
. Note
them down.
Now go to
and find your bucket. Note down the Bucket Name and its Region. For the sake of this example,
let's say they are example_bucket
One more information collection step! Go to
Find the Service URL which
corresponds to the bucket's Region on the table at the top of
the page. You can tell because the Region is part of the
Service URL itself. In our example it's
Finally, we have everything we need to connect Wasabi to Akeeba Backup. If you followed along you should have something like the following:
Go to Akeeba Backup's Configuration page. Find the Post-processing Engine row, select Upload to Amazon S3, and change the following options:
the access key you noted down; in our example it's ABCD23EFGH5JKLMNOPQ6
the secret key you noted down; in our example it's GSNQyzrsZFHwEu8QgBsNAhD5KT6XAkfJ2s8S7LEB
![]() | Important |
You MUST set this option to No. If it's set to Yes the Endpoint URL is modified to follow the dual-stack server naming conventions of Amazon S3 proper. These conversions do not work with Wasabi. Even though you set this option to No, Wasabi still supports IPv6. That is to say, even if you are on an IPv6-only server Wasabi will work even though you set this option to No. |
the bucket name you noted down; in our example it's example_bucket
![]() | Important |
DO NOT try to use the listed Amazon S3 region names. Even though there is some overlap between the S3 and Wasabi regions it's not a complete overlap. Always use the Custom/None option and set the proper Region name in the option below. |
the Region you noted down; in our example it's eu-central-2
Path Access (legacy)
Standard storage
![]() | Important |
We could not find documentation in Wasabi about alternative storage classes. Therefore, we recommend that you always use the Standard Storage class. |
the Service URL you noted down; in our example it's
You can modify any of the other settings, e.g. the Directory, as you please. The settings above are what is necessary for Wasabi to work with Akeeba Backup.
This provides integration with the low cost, high resiliency BackBlaze B2 storage service.
Before you configure Akeeba Backup you need to obtain an
application key from the BackBlaze B2 service. Start by logging
into your account. From the side bar select App Keys.
Click the
button. Remember to select the bucket where your backups will be
saved to in Allow access to Bucket(s) and
set the Type of Access to Read and
. Click on .
You will be presented with a message showing your
, keyName
S3 Endpoint
. Write this information
down. You will not see it again!
![]() | Note |
The BackBlaze B2 feature does NOT use the Amazon S3 endpoint. It uses the official BackBlaze B2 API. If you find that the API is slow or unreliable on your host you can use your B2 storage bucket with Akeeba Backup's Upload to Amazon S3 feature. The custom endpoint you need to use is the S3 Endpoint given to you by BackBlaze. Use the keyID as your Access Key and the applicationKey as your Secret Key. The Bucket Name you need is the same one you are using on BackBlaze. Do remember to set the signature method to v2 instead of v4. |
Upload to BackBlaze B2
The parameters for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Amazon S3.
The keyID
you got when
creating the application key per the instructions
The applicationKey
you got
when creating the application key per the instructions
The name of your B2 bucket. Case matters! The bucket names foo, FOO and Foo refer to three different buckets.
A directory (technically: name prefix) of the backup archives in your bucket,
By default, Akeeba Backup uploads each backup archive to B2 in small "chunks". B2 will then stitch together these chunks to create one, big backup archive. Each chunk transfer takes a small amount of time, preventing timeouts. The downside is that some hosts have weird outbound proxy setups in front of their servers, getting in the way of multipart uploads. In these cases you will see near instant chunk transfers but nothing being uploaded to BackBlaze B2. If this happens you will need to disable multipart uploads by selecting this box and use a fairly small part size for split archives to prevent timeouts while the upload is in progress.
The size of each chunk during a multipart upload as explained above.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. Using it requires entering your Download ID in the software and having an active subscription on our site which gives you access to one of our backup software. |
This uses the official API to upload archives to this storage service.
Due to the absence of a multipart upload feature in Box' API we strongly recommend using a small Part Size for Archive Splitting, typically in the 10-50MB range, to prevent a timeout of your backups while they are uploading to Box.
Like all remote storage providers, your server needs to have the PHP cURL extension loaded and enabled. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow access to the remote storage provider's servers.
To understand what OAuth2 is and how it affects you please read Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
The short summary is that in the default configuration you will be using a "mediator" script hosted on our servers. This passes authentication information between your site and Box's servers, without storing them. It requires an active subscription to our backup products. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to and over port 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
If you do not want to go that route, you can host a custom OAuth2 helper script on your own site. In this case we will be unable to help you with any upload issues, as we will not be able to verify that the authentication is working properly since it's completely outside our control. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to the site under your control hosting the OAuth2 helper over ports 80 (standard HTTP) and 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
Upload to Box
It has the following options:
Choose which OAuth2 Helper you'd like to use. Provided by Akeeba Ltd uses the helper provided by our company to all subscribers with an active subscription to any of our backup products. Custom allows you to use your own OAuth2 Helpers which have been set up with Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, Akeeba Backup for WordPress, or Akeeba Solo on any site under your control. For more information on that, please refer to Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the helper URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using).
If you are using Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, go to the site's administrator, Components, Akeeba Backup, Options, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under
If you are using Akeeba Backup for WordPress, go to the site's wp-admin, Akeeba Backup, System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under
If you are using Akeeba Solo, log into it, click on System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the refresh URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using) as described above.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Amazon S3.
Click this button to login to and authorize file transfers to and from it. Follow the instructions on screen. At the end of the process the Access and Refresh Token fields will be filled in for you.
The directory where you want your archive to be stored.
These are populated through the Authentication - Start Here button above. Please do NOT copy these to other sites or other backup profiles. If the access and refresh tokens get out of sync your backup archive uploads will fail.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the European cloud storage service CloudMe.
Upload to CloudMe
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to CloudMe.
Your CloudMe username
Your CloudMe password
The directory inside your CloudMe Blue
Folder™ where your files will be stored in. If
you want to use subdirectories, you have to use a forward
slash, e.g.
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM].
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the DreamObjects cloud storage service by DreamHost.
Upload to DreamObjects
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to DreamObjects.
Your DreamObjects Access Key
Your DreamObjects Secret Key
If enabled, an encrypted connection will be used to upload your archives to DreamObjects. In this case the upload will take slightly longer, as encryption - what SSL does - is more resource intensive than uploading unencrypted files. You may have to lower your part size.
![]() | Warning |
Do not enable this option if your bucket name contains dots. |
The name of your DreamObjects bucket where your files will be stored in. The bucket must be already created; Akeeba Backup can not create buckets.
DO NOT CREATE BUCKETS WITH NAMES CONTAINING UPPERCASE LETTERS OR DOTS. If you use a bucket with uppercase letters in its name it is very possible that Akeeba Backup will not be able to upload anything to it for reasons that have to do with the S3 API implemented by DreamObjects. It is not something we can "fix" in Akeeba Backup. Moreover, if you use a dot in your bucket name you will not be able to enable the "Use SSL" option since DreamObject's SSL certificate will be invalid for this bucket, making it impossible to upload backup archives. If this is the case with your site, please don't ask for support; simply create a new bucket whose name only consists of lowercase unaccented latin characters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and dashes.
When enabled Akeeba Backup will automatically convert the bucket name to all lowercase letters. This addresses a common problem where you've created a bucket named mysite but try to enter it as MySite in Akeeba Backup. This discrepancy causes the backup to fail to upload to DreamObjects. If, however, you have created a bucket with any number of uppercase letters please disable this option and make sure that the bucket name you have entered matches exactly the name of the bucket in DreamObjects, including lowercase and uppercase letters.
The directory inside your DreamObjects bucket where
your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM].
Regarding the naming of buckets and directories, you have to be aware of the S3 API rules used by DreamObjects:
Folder names can not contain backward slashes (\). They are invalid characters.
Bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.) and dashes (-). Accented characters, international characters, underscores and other punctuation marks are illegal characters.
![]() | Important |
Even if you created a bucket using uppercase letters, you must type its name with lowercase letters. The S3 API implemented by DreamObjects automatically converts the bucket name to all-lowercase. Also note that, as stated above, you may NOT be able to use at all under some circumstances. Generally, your should avoid using uppercase letters. |
Bucket names must start with a number or a letter.
Bucket names must be 3 to 63 characters long.
Bucket names can't be in an IP format, e.g.
Bucket names can't end with a dash.
Bucket names can't have an adjacent dot and dash. For
example, both my.-bucket
are invalid. It is preferable to NOT
use a dot as it will cause issues.
If any - or all - of those rules are broken, you'll end up with error messages that Akeeba Backup couldn't connect to DreamObjects, that the calculated signature is wrong or that the bucket does not exist. This is normal and expected behaviour, as the S3 API of DreamObjects drops the connection when it encounters invalid bucket or directory names.
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the low-cost Dropbox cloud storage service ( This is an ideal option for small websites with a low budget, as this service offers 2GB of storage space for free, all the while retaining all the pros of storing your files on the cloud. Even if your host's data center is annihilated by a natural disaster and your local PC and storage media are wiped out by an unlikely event, you will still have a copy of your site readily accessible and easy to restore.
Like all remote storage providers, your server needs to have the PHP cURL extension loaded and enabled. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow access to the remote storage provider's servers.
To understand what OAuth2 is and how it affects you please read Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
The short summary is that in the default configuration you will be using a "mediator" script hosted on our servers. This passes authentication information between your site and Dropbox's servers, without storing them. It requires an active subscription to our backup products. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to and over port 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
If you do not want to go that route, you can host a custom OAuth2 helper script on your own site. In this case we will be unable to help you with any upload issues, as we will not be able to verify that the authentication is working properly since it's completely outside our control. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to the site under your control hosting the OAuth2 helper over ports 80 (standard HTTP) and 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
Upload to Dropbox (v2 API)
The required settings for this engine are:
Choose which OAuth2 Helper you'd like to use. Provided by Akeeba Ltd uses the helper provided by our company to all subscribers with an active subscription to any of our backup products. Custom allows you to use your own OAuth2 Helpers which have been set up with Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, Akeeba Backup for WordPress, or Akeeba Solo on any site under your control. For more information on that, please refer to Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the helper URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using).
If you are using Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, go to the site's administrator, Components, Akeeba Backup, Options, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under Dropbox.
If you are using Akeeba Backup for WordPress, go to the site's wp-admin, Akeeba Backup, System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under Dropbox.
If you are using Akeeba Solo, log into it, click on System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under Dropbox.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the refresh URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using) as described above.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Dropbox.
The application will always try to upload your backup archives / backup archive parts in small chunks and then ask Dropbox to assemble them back into one file. This allows you to transfer larger archives more reliably.
When you enable this option every step of the chunked upload process will take place in a separate page load, reducing the risk of timeouts if you are transferring large archive part files (over 10Mb). When you disable this option the entire upload process has to take place in a single page load.
![]() | Warning |
When you select Process each part immediately this option has no effect! In this case the entire upload operation for each part will be attempted in a single page load. For this reason we recommend that you use a Part Size for Split Archives of 5Mb or less to avoid timeouts. |
This option determines the size of the chunk which will be used by the chunked upload option above. You are recommended to use a relatively small value around 5 to 20 Mb to prevent backup timeouts. The exact maximum value you can use depends on the speed of your server and its connection speed to the Dropbox server. Try starting high and lower it if the backup fails during transfer to Dropbox.
Before you can use the application with Dropbox you have to "link" your Dropbox account with your Akeeba Backup installation. This allows the application to access your Dropbox account without you storing the username (email) and password to the application. The authentication is a simple process. First click on the
button. A popup window opens, allowing you to log in to your Dropbox account. Once you log in successfully, click the blue button to transfer the access token back to your Akeeba Backup installation.You need to do this on every backup profile you want to link to Dropbox, even on the same site.
Check if you are a member of a team using Dropbox
for Business and want to use your team's folder to store
backups. Remember to prefix the Directory below with the
name of your team folder. For example, if Dropbox' web
interface shows an “Acme Corp Team Folder” in the Files
page and you want to put your backups in a folder called
“Backups” inside it you should use the Directory name
Acme Corp Team Folder/Backups
, not
just Backups
The directory inside your Dropbox account where your
files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
This is the short-lived access token to Dropbox. Normally, it is automatically fetched from Dropbox when you click on the
button above. If for any reason this method does not work for you you can copy the Token from the popup window.It is very important that you DO NOT copy the Access Token to other backup profiles on the same or a different site. It will not work. Instead, please use the
button on each profile and site you want to connect to Dropbox.This is the long-lived refresh token to Dropbox. It is used to refresh the access token every time it expires. Normally, it is automatically fetched from Dropbox when you click on the
button above. If for any reason this method does not work for you you can copy the Token from the popup window.It is very important that you DO NOT copy the Refresh Token to other backup profiles on the same or a different site. It will not work and will only cause the Dropbox connection to be lost on your site. Instead, please use the
button on each profile and site you want to connect to Dropbox.![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. Using it requires entering your Download ID in the software and having an active subscription on our site which gives you access to one of our backup software. |
![]() | Warning |
Ever since May 2024, Google has changed the way the Google Drive API works. It will only let Akeeba Backup see files and folders created by Akeeba Backup itself. Any existing folders and files will be "invisible" to the Google Drive API. This has a MAJOR DRAWBACK: you cannot use existing folders to store your backups. Let's say that you have an existing folder called
Please note that you will only be affected by this change if you linked or relinked an Akeeba Backup profile to Google Drive after May 15th, 2024. If you have linked your Akeeba Backup profile prior to that date you will most likely NOT experience this problem, at least according to our tests. |
Using this engine you can upload your backup archives to Google Drive.
Like all remote storage providers, your server needs to have the PHP cURL extension loaded and enabled. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow access to the remote storage provider's servers.
To understand what OAuth2 is and how it affects you please read Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
The short summary is that in the default configuration you will be using a "mediator" script hosted on our servers. This passes authentication information between your site and Google Drive's servers, without storing them. It requires an active subscription to our backup products. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to and over port 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
If you do not want to go that route, you can host a custom OAuth2 helper script on your own site. In this case we will be unable to help you with any upload issues, as we will not be able to verify that the authentication is working properly since it's completely outside our control. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to the site under your control hosting the OAuth2 helper over ports 80 (standard HTTP) and 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
When you are using the OAuth2 Helper provided by Akeeba Ltd you will NOT be able to use drives and folders shared with you by other Google Drive users. This limitations has to do with how Google implements those things. Access to shared drives and folders requires a very wide API scope which is marked as Restricted. Using that scope in a published application which can be used by any Google customer requires an expensive, very long, and hands-on assessment process every year. This was impossible for us to comply with, as it would have interfered with our ability to literally do anything else during the 2-4 weeks every year we'd be engaged with the assessment.
If you want to access shared drives and folders you MUST use a Custom OAuth2 helper. The difference here is that you will be creating an API application which only you will be using. It will be inaccessible to other Google customers. As a result, you can use the wide API scope marked as restricted without having to go through the expensive and time consuming yearly assessment. The idea is that in case of non-compliance the only person you'd be hacking is yourself, i.e. there is no risk, therefore no need for an assessment by a third party.
Upload to Google Drive
The settings for this engine are:
Choose which OAuth2 Helper you'd like to use. Provided by Akeeba Ltd uses the helper provided by our company to all subscribers with an active subscription to any of our backup products. Custom allows you to use your own OAuth2 Helpers which have been set up with Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, Akeeba Backup for WordPress, or Akeeba Solo on any site under your control. For more information on that, please refer to Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the helper URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using).
If you are using Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, go to the site's administrator, Components, Akeeba Backup, Options, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under Google Drive.
If you are using Akeeba Backup for WordPress, go to the site's wp-admin, Akeeba Backup, System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under Google Drive.
If you are using Akeeba Solo, log into it, click on System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under Google Drive.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the refresh URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using) as described above.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Google Drive
The application will always try to upload your backup archives / backup archive parts in small chunks and then ask Google Drive to assemble them back into one file. This allows you to transfer larger archives more reliably.
When you enable this option every step of the chunked upload process will take place in a separate page load, reducing the risk of timeouts if you are transferring large archive part files (over 5Mb). When you disable this option the entire upload process has to take place in a single page load.
![]() | Warning |
When you select Process each part immediately this option has no effect! In this case the entire upload operation for each part will be attempted in a single page load. For this reason we recommend that you use a Part Size for Split Archives of 5Mb or less to avoid timeouts. |
This option determines the size of the chunk which will be used by the chunked upload option above. You are recommended to use a relatively small value around 5 to 20 Mb to prevent backup timeouts. The exact maximum value you can use depends on the speed of your server and its connection speed to the Google Drive server. Try starting high and lower it if the backup fails during transfer to Google Drive.
If this is the FIRST site you connect to Akeeba Backup click on this button and follow the instructions.
On EVERY SUBSEQUENT SITE do NOT click on this button! Instead copy the Refresh Token from the first site into this new site's Refresh Token edit box further below the page.
![]() | Warning |
Google imposes a limitation of 20 authorizations for a single application –like Akeeba Backup– with Google Drive. Simply put, every time you click on the Authentication - Start Here button a new Refresh Token is generated. The 21st time you generate a new Refresh Token the one you had created the very first time becomes automatically invalid without warning. This is how Google Drive is designed to operate. For this reason we strongly recommend AGAINST using this button on subsequent sites. Instead, copy the Refresh Token. |
If your account has access to Google team drives you can select which of these drives you want to connect to. However, this process is a bit more complicated than it sounds.
First, you need to use the Authentication - Start Here button to connect to Google Drive. Second, you need to click the Save button in the toolbar to apply the Google Drive connection information. Third, you can select your drive using the dropdown. This is the only method for selecting a drive which is guaranteed to work.
Please remember that the list of drives is returned by Google's servers. If you do not see a drive there your problem has to do with permissions and setup at the Google Drive side of things. In this case please be advised that we are not allowed to help you; Google forbids us from providing help about its products through our site. You will have to peruse their community support forums to seek assistance about setting up your team drives to be visible by your Google Drive account.
The directory inside your Google Drive where your
files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
![]() | Tip |
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM]. |
![]() | Warning |
Object (file and folder) naming in Google Drive is ambiguous by design. This means that two or more files / folders with the same name can exist inside the same folder at the same time. In other words, a folder called My Files may contain ten different files all called "File 1"! Obviously this is problematic when you want to store backups which need to be uniquely named (otherwise you'd have no idea which backup is the one you want to use!). We work around this issue using the following conventions:
This is the temporary Access Token generated by Google Drive. It has a lifetime of one hour (3600 seconds). After that Akeeba Backup will use the Refresh Token automatically to generate a new Access Token. Please do not touch that field and do NOT copy it to other sites.
This is essentially what connects your Akeeba Backup installation with your Google Drive. When you want to connect more sites to Google Drive please copy the Refresh Token from another site linked to the same Google Drive account to your site's Refresh Token field.
![]() | Warning |
Since all of your sites are using the same Refresh Token to connect to Google Drive you must NOT run backups on multiple sites simultaneously. That would cause all backups to fail since one active instance of Akeeba Backup would be invalidating the Access Token generated by the other active instance of Akeeba Backup also trying to upload to Google Drive. This is an architectural limitation of Google Drive. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the Google Storage cloud storage service using the official Google Cloud JSON API. This is the preferred method for using Google Storage.
Setting up Google Storage is admittedly complicated. We did ask Google for permission to use the much simpler end-user OAuth2 authentication, a method which is more suitable for people who are not backend developers or IT managers. Unfortunately, their response on July 14th, 2017 was that we were not allowed to. They said in no uncertain terms that we MUST have our clients use Google Cloud Service Accounts. Unfortunately this comes with increased server requirements and more complicated setup instructions.
First the requirements. Google Storage support requires the openssl_sign() function to be available on your server and support the "sha256WithRSAEncryption" method (it must be compiled against the OpenSSL library version 0.9.8l or later). If you are not sure please ask your host. Please note that the versions of the software required for Google Storage integration have been around since early 2012 so they shouldn't be a problem for any decently up-to-date host.
Moreover, we are only allowed to give you the following quick start instructions as an indicative way to set up Google Storage. If you need support for creating a service account or granting Akeeba Backup the appropriate permissions via the IAM Policies, Google requested that we direct you to their Google Cloud Support page. We are afraid this means that we will not be able to provide you with support about any issues concerning the Google Cloud side of the setup at the request of Google.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We have no option but to abide by Google's terms. It's their service, their API and their rules.
According to our extensive tests in different server environments, the performance and stability of Google Storage is not a given. We've seen upload operations randomly failing with a Google-side server error or timing out when the immediately prior upload of a same sized file chunk worked just fine. We've seen file deletions taking anywhere from 0.5 to 13 seconds per file, for the same file, storage class and bucket with the command issued always from the same server. Please note that you might experience random upload failures. Moreover, you might experience random failures applying remote storage quotas if deleting the obsolete files takes too long to be practical. These issues are on Google Storage's side and cannot be worked around in any way using code in the context of a backup application that's bound by PHP and web server time limits.
We recommend using a remote storage service with good, consistent performance such as Amazon S3 or BackBlaze B2.
Before you begin you will need to create a JSON authorization file for Akeeba Backup. Please follow the instructions below, step by step, to do this. Kindly note that you can reuse the same JSON authorization file on multiple sites and / or backup profiles.
Go to
Select the API Project where your Google Storage bucket is already located in.
Click on Create Service Account
Set the Service Account Name to
Akeeba Backup Service Account
Click on Role and select ,
Check the Furnish a new private key checkbox.
The Key Type section appears.
Make sure JSON
is selected.
Click on the CREATE link at the bottom right.
Your server prompts you to download a file. Save it as
You will need to
paste the contents of this file in the Contents of
googlestorage.json (read the documentation) field
in the Configuration page of Akeeba Backup.
![]() | Important |
If you lose the |
Upload to Google Storage (JSON API)
The settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Google Storage.
When enabled, Akeeba Backup will upload your backup archives in smaller chunks, the size of which is specified in the Chunk Size option belo. This is the recommended methods for larger (over 10Mb) archives and/or archive parts.
Select the maximum size of a file chunk Akeeba Backup will try to upload at once. It's recommended to keep relatively low, e.g. 5 to 20 Mb depending on the transfer speed between your server and Google's servers.
The name of your Google Storage bucket where your files will be stored in. The bucket must be already created; the application can not create buckets.
DO NOT CREATE BUCKETS WITH NAMES CONTAINING UPPERCASE LETTERS. If you use a bucket with uppercase letters in its name it is very possible that the application will not be able to upload anything to it.
Please note that this is a limitation of the API. It is not something we can "fix" in the application. If this is the case with your site, please simply create a new bucket whose name only consists of lowercase unaccented latin characters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dashes and dots.
The directory inside your Google Storage bucket
where your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM].
Change the storage class of the uploaded backup archives. “None” means that the files will be stored with the default storage class specified in your bucket. Please note that options other than Standard may be cheaper to store but they may incur additional fees if you download them or delete them. Please consult Google for pricing information.
Open the JSON file you created in the Initial Setup stage outlined above. Copy all of its contents. Paste them in this field. Make sure you have included the curly braces, { and }, at the beginning and end of the file respectively. Don't worry about line breaks being "eaten up", they are NOT important.
Regarding the naming of buckets and directories, you have to be aware of the Google Storage rules:
Folder names can not contain backward slashes (\). They are invalid characters.
Bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.) and dashes (-). Accented characters, international characters, underscores and other punctuation marks are illegal characters.
Bucket names must start with a number or a letter.
Bucket names must be 3 to 63 characters long.
Bucket names can't be in an IP format, e.g.
Bucket names can't end with a dash.
Bucket names can't have an adjacent dot and dash. For
example, both my.-bucket
are invalid.
If any - or all - of those rules are broken, you'll end up with error messages that the application couldn't connect to Google Storage, that the calculated signature is wrong or that the bucket does not exist. This is normal and expected behaviour, as Google Storage drops the connection when it encounters invalid bucket or directory names.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. This is an old implementation which might stop working when Google drops support for the S3 API. We recommend using the more modern JSON API integration described later in the documentation. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the Google Storage cloud storage service using the interoperable API (Google Storage simulates the API of Amazon S3)
Please note that Google Storage is NOT the same thing as Google Drive. These are two separate products. If you want to upload files to Google Drive please look at the documentation for Upload to Google Drive.
Before you begin you have to go to the Google Developer's Console. After creating a storage bucket, in the left hand menu, go to Storage, Cloud Storage, Settings. Then go to the tab/option Interoperability. There you can go and enable interoperability and create the Access and Secret keys you need for Akeeba Backup.
You should also know the limitations. Google Storage's interoperable API does not allow appending to files, so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to Google Storage equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10 and 20 MB.
![]() | Tip |
If you use the native CRON mode (akeeba-backup.php), there is usually no time limit - or there is a very high time limit in the area of 3 minutes or so. Ask your host about it. Setting up a profile for use only with the native CRON mode allows you to increase the part size and reduce the number of parts a complete backup consists of. |
Upload to Google Storage (Legacy S3 API)
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Google Storage.
Your Google Storage Access Key, available from the Google Cloud Storage key management tool.
Your Google Storage Secret Key, available from the Google Cloud Storage key management tool.
If enabled, an encrypted connection will be used to upload your archives to Google Storage. In this case the upload will take longer, as encryption - what SSL does - is a resource intensive operation. You may have to lower your part size. We strongly recommend enabling this option for enhanced security.
![]() | Warning |
Do not enable this option if your bucket name contains dots. |
The name of your Google Storage bucket where your files will be stored in. The bucket must be already created; Akeeba Backup can not create buckets.
DO NOT CREATE BUCKETS WITH NAMES CONTAINING UPPERCASE LETTERS. If you use a bucket with uppercase letters in its name it is very possible that Akeeba Backup will not be able to upload anything to it. Moreover you should not use dots in your bucket names as they are incompatible with the Use SSL option due to an Amazon S3 API limitation.
Please note that this is a limitation of the API. It is not something we can "fix" in Akeeba Backup. If this is the case with your site, please DO NOT ask for support; simply create a new bucket whose name only consists of lowercase unaccented latin characters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and dashes.
When enabled Akeeba Backup will automatically convert the bucket name to all lowercase letters. This addresses a common problem where you've created a bucket named mysite but try to enter it as MySite in Akeeba Backup. This discrepancy causes the backup to fail to upload to Google Storage. If, however, you have created a bucket with any number of uppercase letters please disable this option and make sure that the bucket name you have entered matches exactly the name of the bucket in Google Storage, including lowercase and uppercase letters.
The directory inside your Google Storage bucket
where your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
![]() | Tip |
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM]. |
Regarding the naming of buckets and directories, you have to be aware of the Google Storage rules:
Folder names can not contain backward slashes (\). They are invalid characters.
Bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.) and dashes (-). Accented characters, international characters, underscores and other punctuation marks are illegal characters.
Bucket names must start with a number or a letter.
Bucket names must be 3 to 63 characters long.
Bucket names can't be in an IP format, e.g.
Bucket names can't end with a dash.
Bucket names can't have an adjacent dot and dash. For
example, both my.-bucket
are invalid. It's best not to use dots
at all as they are incompatible with the Use SSL
If any - or all - of those rules are broken, you'll end up with error messages that Akeeba Backup couldn't connect to Google Storage, that the calculated signature is wrong or that the bucket does not exist. This is normal and expected behaviour, as Google Storage drops the connection when it encounters invalid bucket or directory names.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional and requires an active subscription to use. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the low-cost Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage service. This engine supports both personal drives and business drives on Microsoft OneDrive. It works with personal OneDrive accounts, as well as OneDrive accounts which are part of your Microsoft 365 subscription, or managed by a school or organisation. You can use any folder you have write access to, including shared folders. In the latter case, the folder owner must give you write access, have enough free space on their account, and not restrict your upload size (quota) to a value below the size of the backup archive files you are going to be storing on that shared folder. This engine uses the modern Microsoft Graph API to access OneDrive, the method which is recommended by Microsoft at the time of this writing.
This is the OneDrive engine most users should use.
We have observed that a small number of users may have problems using this engine, with the error message showing a JWT authentication error which happens internally at Microsoft's side. If you are affected by this issue, please use the "Upload to OneDrive (LEGACY)" or "Upload to OneDrive (App-specific Folder)" engine instead.
Please note that OneDrive is rather slow. If you have a big site, take frequent backups or otherwise upload performance is of the essence you should use a speedier storage provider such as Amazon S3, BackBlaze B2 or, if you'd rather remain in Microsoft's cloud ecosystem, Microsoft Azure BLOB Storage.
Like all remote storage providers, your server needs to have the PHP cURL extension loaded and enabled. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow access to the remote storage provider's servers.
To understand what OAuth2 is and how it affects you please read Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
The short summary is that in the default configuration you will be using a "mediator" script hosted on our servers. This passes authentication information between your site and Microsoft's servers, without storing them. It requires an active subscription to our backup products. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to and over port 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
If you do not want to go that route, you can host a custom OAuth2 helper script on your own site. In this case we will be unable to help you with any upload issues, as we will not be able to verify that the authentication is working properly since it's completely outside our control. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to the site under your control hosting the OAuth2 helper over ports 80 (standard HTTP) and 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
Akeeba Backup has three different engines (integrations) with Microsoft OneDrive, each one working differently than the other. This corresponds to the three different integration methods Microsoft offers. We will try to explain when to use each engine. Here's the order you should try them:
Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business is the first thing you should try. It works with all types of accounts, and allows you to use any drive and folder. However, for a minority of users, this fails to work with an error indicating there is an authentication error within Microsoft's infrastructure. If this happens, you need to use one of the next two options.
Upload to OneDrive (LEGACY) is what you should try if the "Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business" engine does not work for you and you are using a personal OneDrive i.e. a personal Microsoft account which may be optionally linked to a personal or family Microsoft 365 account. If you are using a Microsoft account managed by a school or organisation this will not work for you. Please note that purchasing suspiciously cheap Microsoft 365 licenses from the gray market means that your account is now controlled by an organisation, the one set up by the seller to (illegally) resell you their volume-licensed Microsoft 365 business subscription.
Upload to OneDrive (App-specific
Folder) is what you should try if both of the
previous methods don't work. While it works with any kind of
Microsoft account, including those managed by a school or
organisation, it has a restrictions: it will only let you use a
subdirectory inside the Apps/Akeeba Backup
folder in your OneDrive. This is called an "app-specific
folder". According to our observations, this seems to be a more
stable solution than the API and authentication structure
necessary for the more generic "Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive
for Business" engine.
Upload to OneDrive
The required settings for this engine are:
Choose which OAuth2 Helper you'd like to use. Provided by Akeeba Ltd uses the helper provided by our company to all subscribers with an active subscription to any of our backup products. Custom allows you to use your own OAuth2 Helpers which have been set up with Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, Akeeba Backup for WordPress, or Akeeba Solo on any site under your control. For more information on that, please refer to Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the helper URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using).
If you are using Akeeba Backup for Joomla!, go to the site's administrator, Components, Akeeba Backup, Options, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under OneDrive.
If you are using Akeeba Backup for WordPress, go to the site's wp-admin, Akeeba Backup, System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under OneDrive.
If you are using Akeeba Solo, log into it, click on System Configuration, OAuth2 Helpers and copy the URL you see in the blue box under OneDrive.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
Only shown when the OAuth2 Helper option is set to Custom. In this case, filling this field in is mandatory. You can find the refresh URL in the backup software you set it up (it may not be on the same site you are currently using) as described above.
Tip: The Helper URL is the one which has
in it.
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to OneDrive.
When enabled Akeeba Backup will try to upload your backup archives / backup archive parts in small chunks and then ask OneDrive to assemble them back into one file. If your backup archive parts are over 10Mb you are strongly encouraged to check this option.
This option determines the size of the chunk which will be used by the chunked upload option above. We recommend a relatively small value around 4 to 20 Mb to prevent backup timeouts. The exact maximum value you can use depends on the speed of your server and its connection speed to OneDrive's server. Try starting high and lower it if the backup fails during transfer to OneDrive. You cannot set a chunk size lower than 1Mb or higher than 60Mb because of OneDrive's API restrictions. We recommend using 4, 10 or 20Mb (tested and found to be properly working).
Before you can use Akeeba Backup with OneDrive you have to "link" your OneDrive account with your Akeeba Backup installation. This allows Akeeba Backup to access your OneDrive account without you storing the username (email) and password to. The authentication is a simple process. First click on the
button. A popup window opens, allowing you to log in to your OneDrive account. Once you log in successfully, you are shown a page with the access and refresh tokens (the "keys" returned by OneDrive to be used for connecting to the service) and the URL to your site. Double check that the URL to your site is correct. Copy the Access Token and Refresh Token from the popup window to Akeeba Backup's configuration page at the same-named fields. Afterwards you can close the popup.![]() | Important |
As described above, this process routes you through our own site ( due to OneDrive's API restrictions. We do NOT store your login information or tokens and we do NOT have access to your OneDrive account. |
The directory inside your OneDrive account where
your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
This is the connection token to OneDrive, copied when you perform the authentication step described above.
You cannot share OneDrive tokens between multiple sites or backup profiles. Each site and each backup profile must go through the authentication process described above.
This is the refresh token to OneDrive, copied when you perform the authentication step described above.
You cannot share OneDrive tokens between multiple sites or backup profiles. Each site and each backup profile must go through the authentication process described above.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional and requires an active subscription to use. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the low-cost Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage service. This engine only supports personal drives on Microsoft OneDrive. It will not work with drives managed by a school or organisation – these are technically part of the product called "OneDrive for Business". You can only use any non-shared folder within your personal drive to store backup archives. It will not work with folders shared with you by other teams or users. This engine uses the legacy Microsoft OneDrive API which might be removed in the future.
You should only use this integration if both "Upload to Microsoft OneDrive or OneDrive for Business" and "Upload to Microsoft OneDrive (App-Specific Folder)" alternatives do not work for you.
Please note that OneDrive is rather slow. If you have a big site, take frequent backups or otherwise upload performance is of the essence you should use a speedier storage provider such as Amazon S3, BackBlaze B2 or, if you'd rather remain in Microsoft's cloud ecosystem, Microsoft Azure BLOB Storage.
Like all remote storage providers, your server needs to have the PHP cURL extension loaded and enabled. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow access to the remote storage provider's servers.
To understand what OAuth2 is and how it affects you please read Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
The short summary is that in the default configuration you will be using a "mediator" script hosted on our servers. This passes authentication information between your site and Box's servers, without storing them. It requires an active subscription to our backup products. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to and over port 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
You cannot use a custom OAuth2 helper script on your site with this engine. This engine relies on a legacy API application which is no longer offered by Microsoft. Only old, existing applications - like the one we had created in the early 2010s - still have access to the old API used by this engine.
Akeeba Backup has three different engines (integrations) with Microsoft OneDrive, each one working differently than the other. This corresponds to the three different integration methods Microsoft offers. We will try to explain when to use each engine. Here's the order you should try them:
Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business is the first thing you should try. It works with all types of accounts, and allows you to use any drive and folder. However, for a minority of users, this fails to work with an error indicating there is an authentication error within Microsoft's infrastructure. If this happens, you need to use one of the next two options.
Upload to OneDrive (LEGACY) is what you should try if the "Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business" engine does not work for you and you are using a personal OneDrive i.e. a personal Microsoft account which may be optionally linked to a personal or family Microsoft 365 account. If you are using a Microsoft account managed by a school or organisation this will not work for you. Please note that purchasing suspiciously cheap Microsoft 365 licenses from the gray market means that your account is now controlled by an organisation, the one set up by the seller to (illegally) resell you their volume-licensed Microsoft 365 business subscription.
Upload to OneDrive (App-specific
Folder) is what you should try if both of the
previous methods don't work. While it works with any kind of
Microsoft account, including those managed by a school or
organisation, it has a restrictions: it will only let you use a
subdirectory inside the Apps/Akeeba Backup
folder in your OneDrive. This is called an "app-specific
folder". According to our observations, this seems to be a more
stable solution than the API and authentication structure
necessary for the more generic "Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive
for Business" engine.
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to OneDrive.
When enabled Akeeba Backup will try to upload your backup archives / backup archive parts in small chunks and then ask OneDrive to assemble them back into one file. If your backup archive parts are over 10Mb you are strongly encouraged to check this option.
This option determines the size of the chunk which will be used by the chunked upload option above. We recommend a relatively small value around 4 to 20 Mb to prevent backup timeouts. The exact maximum value you can use depends on the speed of your server and its connection speed to OneDrive's server. Try starting high and lower it if the backup fails during transfer to OneDrive. You cannot set a chunk size lower than 1Mb or higher than 60Mb because of OneDrive's API restrictions. We recommend using 4, 10 or 20Mb (tested and found to be properly working).
Before you can use Akeeba Backup with OneDrive you have to "link" your OneDrive account with your Akeeba Backup installation. This allows Akeeba Backup to access your OneDrive account without you storing the username (email) and password to. The authentication is a simple process. First click on the
button. A popup window opens, allowing you to log in to your OneDrive account. Once you log in successfully, you are shown a page with the access and refresh tokens (the "keys" returned by OneDrive to be used for connecting to the service) and the URL to your site. Double check that the URL to your site is correct. Copy the Access Token and Refresh Token from the popup window to Akeeba Backup's configuration page at the same-named fields. Afterwards you can close the popup.![]() | Important |
As described above, this process routes you through our own site ( due to OneDrive's API restrictions. We do NOT store your login information or tokens and we do NOT have access to your OneDrive account. |
The directory inside your OneDrive account where
your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
This is the connection token to OneDrive, copied when you perform the authentication step described above.
You cannot share OneDrive tokens between multiple sites or backup profiles. Each site and each backup profile must go through the authentication process described above.
This is the refresh token to OneDrive, copied when you perform the authentication step described above.
You cannot share OneDrive tokens between multiple sites or backup profiles. Each site and each backup profile must go through the authentication process described above.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional and requires an active subscription to use. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to
the low-cost Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage service. This
engine supports any kind of Microsoft OneDrive drive: personal,
and those managed by a school or organisation. However, you can
only use subdirectories inside the application-specific folder
(Apps/Akeeba Backup
) of your OneDrive. You
cannot use any other folder.
You should only use this integration if "Upload to Microsoft OneDrive or OneDrive for Business" does not work for you and you are okay storing your backups in an app-specific folder under your account.
Please note that OneDrive is rather slow. If you have a big site, take frequent backups or otherwise upload performance is of the essence you should use a speedier storage provider such as Amazon S3, BackBlaze B2 or, if you'd rather remain in Microsoft's cloud ecosystem, Microsoft Azure BLOB Storage.
Like all remote storage providers, your server needs to have the PHP cURL extension loaded and enabled. Moreover, your server's firewall must allow access to the remote storage provider's servers.
The OneDrive integration uses the OAuth 2 authentication method. To understand what OAuth2 is and how it affects you please read Remote Storage and OAuth2 Helpers.
This requires a fixed endpoint (URL) for each application which uses it, such as Akeeba Backup. Since Akeeba Backup is installed on your site, therefore has a different endpoint URL for each installation, you could not normally use OneDrive's API to upload files. We have solved this problem by creating a small script which lives on our own server and acts as an intermediary between your site and OneDrive. When you are linking Akeeba Backup to OneDrive you are going through the script on our site. Moreover, whenever the access token (a time-limited, really long password given by OneDrive to your Akeeba Backup installation to access the service) expires your Akeeba Backup installation has to exchange it with a new token. This process also takes place through the script on our site. Please note that even though you are going through our site we DO NOT store this information and we DO NOT have access to your OneDrive account.
![]() | Important |
Access to the intermediary script on our servers requires a. an active subscription to any of our products and b. entering a valid Download ID for your account in the component's options. If the Download ID is invalid or corresponds to an expired subscription you will be unable to use the intermediary script on our servers. As a result you will be unable to upload backup archives to OneDrive. |
Moreover, the above means that there are additional requirements for using OneDrive integration on your Akeeba Backup installation:
You need the PHP cURL extension to be loaded and enabled on your server. Most servers do that by default. If your server doesn't have it enabled the upload will fail and warn you that cURL is not enabled.
Your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to over port 443 (standard HTTPS port) to get new tokens every time the current access token expires.
Your server's firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections to OneDrive's domains over port 443 to allow the integration to work. These domain names are, unfortunately, not predefined. Most likely your server administrator will have to allow outbound HTTPS connections to any domain name to allow this integration to work. This is a restriction of how the OneDrive service is designed, not something we can modify (obviously, we're not Microsoft).
Akeeba Backup has three different engines (integrations) with Microsoft OneDrive, each one working differently than the other. This corresponds to the three different integration methods Microsoft offers. We will try to explain when to use each engine. Here's the order you should try them:
Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business is the first thing you should try. It works with all types of accounts, and allows you to use any drive and folder. However, for a minority of users, this fails to work with an error indicating there is an authentication error within Microsoft's infrastructure. If this happens, you need to use one of the next two options.
Upload to OneDrive (LEGACY) is what you should try if the "Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive for Business" engine does not work for you and you are using a personal OneDrive i.e. a personal Microsoft account which may be optionally linked to a personal or family Microsoft 365 account. If you are using a Microsoft account managed by a school or organisation this will not work for you. Please note that purchasing suspiciously cheap Microsoft 365 licenses from the gray market means that your account is now controlled by an organisation, the one set up by the seller to (illegally) resell you their volume-licensed Microsoft 365 business subscription.
Upload to OneDrive (App-specific
Folder) is what you should try if both of the
previous methods don't work. While it works with any kind of
Microsoft account, including those managed by a school or
organisation, it has a restrictions: it will only let you use a
subdirectory inside the Apps/Akeeba Backup
folder in your OneDrive. This is called an "app-specific
folder". According to our observations, this seems to be a more
stable solution than the API and authentication structure
necessary for the more generic "Upload to OneDrive and OneDrive
for Business" engine.
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to OneDrive.
When enabled Akeeba Backup will try to upload your backup archives / backup archive parts in small chunks and then ask OneDrive to assemble them back into one file. If your backup archive parts are over 10Mb you are strongly encouraged to check this option.
This option determines the size of the chunk which will be used by the chunked upload option above. We recommend a relatively small value around 4 to 20 Mb to prevent backup timeouts. The exact maximum value you can use depends on the speed of your server and its connection speed to OneDrive's server. Try starting high and lower it if the backup fails during transfer to OneDrive. You cannot set a chunk size lower than 1Mb or higher than 60Mb because of OneDrive's API restrictions. We recommend using 4, 10 or 20Mb (tested and found to be properly working).
Before you can use Akeeba Backup with OneDrive you have to "link" your OneDrive account with your Akeeba Backup installation. This allows Akeeba Backup to access your OneDrive account without you storing the username (email) and password to. The authentication is a simple process. First click on the
button. A popup window opens, allowing you to log in to your OneDrive account. Once you log in successfully, you are shown a page with the access and refresh tokens (the "keys" returned by OneDrive to be used for connecting to the service) and the URL to your site. Double check that the URL to your site is correct. Copy the Access Token and Refresh Token from the popup window to Akeeba Backup's configuration page at the same-named fields. Afterwards you can close the popup.![]() | Important |
As described above, this process routes you through our own site ( due to OneDrive's API restrictions. We do NOT store your login information or tokens and we do NOT have access to your OneDrive account. |
The sub-directory inside your OneDrive's
app-specific folder (Apps/Akeeba
) where your files will be stored in. If
you want to use subdirectories, you have to use a forward
slash, e.g.
DO NOT include the Apps/Akeeba
folder! It is added automatically by
OneDrive itself. Therefore, if you would like to save your
backups into Apps/Akeeba Backup/Fancy
you have to put /Fancy
into the Directory setting.
This is the connection token to OneDrive, copied when you perform the authentication step described above.
You cannot share OneDrive tokens between multiple sites or backup profiles. Each site and each backup profile must go through the authentication process described above.
This is the refresh token to OneDrive, copied when you perform the authentication step described above.
You cannot share OneDrive tokens between multiple sites or backup profiles. Each site and each backup profile must go through the authentication process described above.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the Microsoft Windows Azure BLOB Storage cloud storage service. This cloud storage service from Microsoft is reasonably priced and quite fast, with lots of local endpoints around the globe.
Azure BLOB Storage, like most modern file storage services, supports two ways of uploading files: either all at once or in chunks (multipart upload). When uploading files all at once the maximum file size is 5000Mb. When uploading in chunks the maximum file size is 50,000 chunks, therefore the maximum file size is determined by the chunk size. The chunk sizes supported are 1Mb to 4000Mb. This means that the maximum size of a single backup archive file you can upload is between 48.82Gb and 190.7Tb.
![]() | Note |
Akeeba Backup 9.0.0 to 9.2.1 (inclusive) only supported an old version of the Azure API which had a maximum upload limit of 64MiB. Moreover, they did not support chunked (multipart) uploads of larger files. The information below only applies to Akeeba Backup 9.2.2 and newer versions. If you are still using an older version of Akeeba Backup you will have to set the Part size for archive splitting to 64MiB or less. Typically, you'd need to use 10Mb to avoid your server timing out during the upload. |
Do keep in mind that when running a backup over the web (using a browser, the remote JSON API or the legacy frontend backup method) there are several server-related timeouts you cannot ignore. First and foremost there's the PHP timeout itself which, in most cases, we can work around. There are also timeouts in the PHP FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) whenever it's used, your web server (Apache, NginX, IIS, ...) and the operating system itself (maximum CPU usage time per process a.k.a. ulimit -t). These can affect how long an individual upload operation can run. The time required to upload a backup archive file (for all at once uploads) or a chunk of it (for multipart uploads) to Azure equals the size of the file or chunk divided by the available bandwidth.
We want the time to upload a file / chunk to be less than the minimum time limit restriction on your server so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file or chunk size. To this end, there are two thing you can do depending on how you are uploading files:
- For all at one uploads you have to produce split backup archives, by setting the Part size for archive splitting in the archiver engine's configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10 and 20 Mb.
- For multipart uploads you should set the chunk size. Recommended values are 1Mb to 100Mb depending on your server's available bandwidth. We recommend starting with 10Mb. If it times out, decrease it. If it works fine, try increasing it until you hit a timeout; when that happens, walk back to the previous setting.
If you use the native CLI backup script there is no applicable time limit except the server's maximum CPU usage time per process which controls the total time the backup and upload process can take. As a result you can select to NOT do chunked uploads if the backup profile is only ever going to be used under the CLI backup script. Also remember that if your CLI backup script fails you should ask your host to “increase the ulimit -t for CLI scripts” — just tell them that and the second level support of your host will know what to do.
Go to your Subscriptions page on the Azure Portal.
Click on your subscription name.
In the new blade that opens find the Settings header and click Resources under it.
Click on the Storage Account resource your container is located in.
Make sure that under the Properties tab, Security header, the “Storage account key access” setting is Enabled. If not, you need to enable it.
In the sidebar find the Security + Networking header and click on Access Keys under it.
Click at the Show Keys link at the top of the main content area.
Copy the “Storage account name” into the Account Name field in Akeeba Backup.
Find the key1 heading and copy the contents of the “Key” field into the Primary Access Key field.
Upload to Microsoft Windows Azure BLOB Storage
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus twice the size of your part size for split archives free in your account. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. The drawback to that is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Azure.
Should we use multipart uploads for large archive files? Archive files over the Chunk Size threshold will be uploaded in multiple chunks, each one at most as big as the Chunks Size.
![]() | Important |
Microsoft Azure BLOB Storage has a hard limit of up to 50,000 parts per uploaded file. If your backup archive is bigger than 50,000 times the Chunk Size it's not possible to upload it using the multipart. In this case Akeeba Backup will try to upload it all at once which might lead to a timeout. If this happens we strongly recommend setting up the Part Size for Archive Splitting in the Archiver Engine options, setting that to a value under 2000Mb. |
How much of the backup archive to transfer at once. Please refer to the Multipart Uploads information above the image.
The storage account name for your Microsoft Azure subscription. See the instructions above the image.
The key1 value for accessing your Microsoft Azure subscription. See the instructions above the image.
Please leave this enabled. It tells Akeeba Backup to use the secure HTTPS protocol to communicate to Microsoft Azure. Disabling it will use the insecure HTTP protocol, without any encryption of your communication between your site's server and Microsoft Azure. Support for using unencrypted HTTP might be removed by Microsoft without prior warning.
The name of the Azure container where you want to store your archives in.
The directory inside your Azure container where your
files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
Leave blank to store the files on the container's
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the OVH Object Storage cloud storage service. This allows you to upload files into OVH's public cloud, powered by the OpenStack technology.
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. As most cloud storage providers, OVH does not allow appending to files, so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to OVH equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10 and 20 MB.
If you use the native CRON mode (akeeba-backup.php), there is usually no time limit - or there is a very high time limit in the area of 3 minutes or so. Ask your host about it. Setting up a profile for use only with the native CRON mode allows you to increase the part size and reduce the number of parts a complete backup consists of.
You will need to set up object storage and collect some necessary but not necessarily obvious information from your OVH account. You can do so through OVH's Cloud Manager portal.
From the top menu click on Public Cloud. Make sure you
have created a project. If you have multiple projects, make sure
the correct one is selected. Look at the top of the left hand
sidebar. You will see the name of your selected project in big
type. Right below it there is a 32 digit alphanumeric code such
as abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789
. Copy it. This
is the Project ID you need to enter in
Akeeba Backup.
From the left hand side menu click on Object storage. Click on the My Containers tab. You will see a list of your containers.
If you do not have any containers yet, create a new one. Make sure to select the Standard Object Storage - Swift API. It is VERY important to select this option, NOT the either option with "S3 API" in their name. If you have an existing container, make sure that under "Solution" it reads "Standard - Swift". If it reads anything else you cannot use it with the "Upload to OVH Object Storage" feature of Akeeba Backup (but you can still use it with Akeeba Backup's Upload to Amazon S3 feature). Click on your container's name. The main area changes. You will see a box with information. The Endpoint is the Container URL you need to enter in Akeeba Backup.
From the left hand side menu, find the Project Management header towards the bottom and click on Users & Roles. If you have not created an OpenStack user yet, create one now selecting at the very least the ObjectStore operator role. The message you get upon creating your user reads something like "The user-2abcD2efGHIj user has been added, with the password Abcdef1GHIjKlMNOPqrs2TuVw3XyZaBc". In this example 2abcD2efGHIj is the OpenStack Username and Abcdef1GHIjKlMNOPqrs2TuVw3XyZaBc is the OpenStack Password you need to enter in Akeeba Backup.
![]() | Note |
You may note that there is a disparity between how Akeeba Backup and OVH label the necessary information. This is not because we're stupid, or want to confuse you. The labels in Akeeba Backup are identical to how OVH used to label these items when they started offering OpenStack Swift storage. It was reasonable labeling, following OpenStack's lingo. Then, OVH redesigned their interface, completely changing both the process of creating / managing object storage, and changed all labels with more generic (and often nonsensical for native English speaker) terms. We cannot change our labels because it will both confuse existing users, and anyone using a third party translation. So we're stuck with labels which don't match OVH's interface du jour. |
Upload to OVH Object Storage
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to OVH.
See above.
See above.
See above.
See above.
The directory inside your OVH container where your
files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
Leave blank to store the files on the container's
Upload to OpenStack Swift
This allows you to upload backup archive to any OpenStack Swift implementation. This is the same thing as the OVH Object Storage (see above) with two additional options:
The endpoint for the Keystone service of your OpenStack installation. DO include the version. DO NOT include the /token suffix. Example:
Your OpenStack tenant ID, e.g. a0b1c2d3e4f56789abcdef0123456789
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the RackSpace CloudFiles cloud storage service. This service had previously been called Mosso.
![]() | Note |
We recommend against using this method because of ongoing concerns about the reliability of the service and the commitment of RackSpace to offering their non-hosting services in the future. |
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. As most cloud storage providers, CloudFiles does not allow appending to files, so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to CloudFiles equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10 and 20 MB.
If you use the native CRON mode (akeeba-backup.php), there is usually no time limit - or there is a very high time limit in the area of 3 minutes or so. Ask your host about it. Setting up a profile for use only with the native CRON mode allows you to increase the part size and reduce the number of parts a complete backup consists of.
Upload to RackSpace CloudFiles
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to CloudFiles.
The username assigned to you by the RackSpace CloudFiles service
The API Key found in your CloudFiles account
The name of the CloudFiles container where you want to store your archives in.
The directory inside your CloudFiles container where
your files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
Leave blank to store the files on the container's
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any FTP or FTPS (FTP over Explicit SSL) server. There are some "FTP" protocols and other file storage protocols which are not supported, such as SFTP, SCP, Secure FTP, FTP over Implicit SSL and SSH variants. The difference of this engine to the DirectFTP archiver engine is that this engine uploads backup archives to the server, whereas DirectFTP uploads the uncompressed files of your site. DirectFTP is designed for rapid migration, this engine is designed for easy moving of your backup archives to an off-server location.
This engine uses PHP's native FTP functions. This may not work if your host has disabled PHP's native FTP functions or if your remote FTP server is incompatible with them. In this case you may want to use the Upload to Remote FTP server over cURL engine instead.
Your originating server must support PHP's FTP extensions and not have its FTP functions blocked. Your originating server must not block FTP communication to the remote (target) server. Some hosts apply a firewall policy which requires you to specify to which hosts your server can connect. In such a case you might need to allow communication to your remote host.
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. Most servers do not allow resuming of uploads (or even if they do, PHP doesn't quite support this feature), so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to FTP equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10 and 20 MB.
Upload to Remote FTP Server
The available configuration options are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to the FTP server.
The hostname of your remote (target) server, e.g.
. You must NOT enter the ftp://
protocol prefix. If you do, Akeeba Backup will try to
remove it automatically and issue a warning about
The TCP/IP port of your remote host's FTP server. It's usually 21.
The username you have to use to connect to the remote FTP server.
The password you have to use to connect to the remote FTP server.
The absolute FTP directory to your remote site's location where your archives will be stored. This is provided by your hosting company. Do not ask us to tell you what you should put in here because we can't possibly know. There is an easy way to find it, though. Connect to your target FTP server with FileZilla. Navigate to the intended directory. Above the right-hand folder pane you will see a text box with a path. Copy this path and paste it to Akeeba Backup's setting.
The relative path to the initial directory, it will be created if it doesn't exists. Leave it empty to upload the archives directly inside the initial directory. You can use all of the backup naming variables, e.g. [HOST] for the hostname of the site being backed up.
If your remote server supports secure FTP connections over SSL (they have to be Explicit SSL; implicit SSL is not supported), you can enable this feature. In such a case you will most probably have to change the port. Please ask your hosting company to provide you with more information on whether they support this feature and what port you should use. You must note that this feature must also be supported by your originating server as well.
Normally you should enable it, as it is the most common and firewall-safe transfer mode supported by FTP servers. Sometimes, you remote server might require active FTP transfers. In such a case please disable this, but bear in mind that your originating server might not support active FTP transfers, which usually requires tweaking the firewall!
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any FTP or FTPS (FTP over Exclicit SSL) server. There are some "FTP" protocols and other file storage protocols which are not supported, such as SFTP, SCP, Secure FTP, FTP over Implicit SSL and SSH variants. The difference of this engine to the DirectFTP over cURL archiver engine is that this engine uploads backup archives to the server, whereas DirectFTP over cURL uploads the uncompressed files of your site. DirectFTP over cURL is designed for rapid migration, this engine is designed for easy moving of your backup archives to an off-server location.
This engine uses PHP's cURL functions. This may not work if your host has not installed or enabled the cURL functions. In this case you may want to use the Upload to Remote FTP server engine instead.
Your originating server must support PHP's cURL extension and not have its FTP functions blocked. Your originating server must not block FTP communication to the remote (target) server. Some hosts apply a firewall policy which requires you to specify to which hosts your server can connect. In such a case you might need to allow communication to your remote host.
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. Most servers do not allow resuming of uploads (or even if they do, PHP doesn't quite support this feature), so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to FTP equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10 and 20 MB.
Upload to Remote FTP Server over cURL
The available configuration options are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to the FTP server.
The hostname of your remote (target) server, e.g.
. You must NOT enter the ftp://
protocol prefix. If you do, Akeeba Backup will try to
remove it automatically and issue a warning about
The TCP/IP port of your remote host's FTP server. It's usually 21.
The username you have to use to connect to the remote FTP server.
The password you have to use to connect to the remote FTP server.
The absolute FTP directory to your remote site's location where your archives will be stored. This is provided by your hosting company. Do not ask us to tell you what you should put in here because we can't possibly know. There is an easy way to find it, though. Connect to your target FTP server with FileZilla. Navigate to the intended directory. Above the right-hand folder pane you will see a text box with a path. Copy this path and paste it to Akeeba Backup's setting.
The relative path to the initial directory, it will be created if it doesn't exists. Leave it empty to upload the archives directly inside the initial directory. You can use all of the backup naming variables, e.g. [HOST] for the hostname of the site being backed up.
If your remote server supports secure FTP connections over SSL (they have to be Explicit SSL; implicit SSL is not supported), you can enable this feature. In such a case you will most probably have to change the port. Please ask your hosting company to provide you with more information on whether they support this feature and what port you should use. You must note that this feature must also be supported by your originating server as well.
Normally you should enable it, as it is the most common and firewall-safe transfer mode supported by FTP servers. Sometimes, you remote server might require active FTP transfers. In such a case please disable this, but bear in mind that your originating server might not support active FTP transfers, which usually requires tweaking the firewall!
Some badly configured / misbehaving servers report the wrong IP address when you enable the passive mode. Usually they report their internal network IP address (something like or instead of their public, Internet-accessible IP address. This erroneous information confuses FTP information, causing uploads to stall and eventually fail. Enabling this workaround option instructs cURL to ignore the IP address reported by the server and instead use the FTP server's public IP address, as seen by your web server. In most cases this works much better, therefore we recommend leaving this option turned on if you're not sure. You should only disable it in case of an exotic setup where the FTP server uses two different public IP addresses for the control and data channels.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
![]() | Note |
This engine uses the PHP extension called SSH2. The SSH2 extension is still marked as an alpha and is not enabled by default or even provided by many commercial hosts. In this case you may want to use the Upload to Remote SFTP server over cURL engine instead which uses PHP's cURL extension, available on most hosts. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server. Please note that SFTP is the encrypted file transfer protocol provided by SSH servers. Even though the name is close, it has nothing to do with plain old FTP or FTP over SSL. Not all servers support this but for those which do this is the most secure file transfer option.
The difference of this engine to the DirectSFTP archiver engine is that this engine uploads backup archives to the server, whereas DirectSFTP uploads the uncompressed files of your site. DirectSFTP is designed for rapid migration, this engine is designed for easy moving of your backup archives to an off-server location. Moreover, this engine also supports connecting to your SFTP server using cryptographic key files instead of passwords, a much safer (and much harder and geekier) user authentication method.
Your originating server must have PHP's SSH2 module installed and activated and its functions unblocked. Your originating server must also not block SFTP communication to the remote (target) server. Some hosts apply a firewall policy which requires you to specify to which hosts your server can connect. In such a case you might need to allow communication to your remote host over TCP port 22 (or whatever port you are using).
Upload to Remote SFTP Server
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. SFTP does not allow resuming of uploads so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to SFTP equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10Mb and 20Mb. Most servers have a bandwidth cap of 20Mbits, which equals to roughly 2Mb/sec (1 byte is 8 bits, plus there's some traffic overhead, lost packets, etc). With a time limit of 10 seconds, we can upload at most 2 Mb/sec * 10 sec = 20Mb without timing out. If you get timeouts during post-processing lower the part size.
The available configuration options are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to the SFTP server.
The hostname of your remote (target) server, e.g.
. You must NOT enter the
sftp:// or ssh:// protocol prefix. If you do, Akeeba
Backup will try to remove it automatically and issue a
warning about it.
The TCP/IP port of your remote host's SFTP (SSH) server. It's usually 22. If unsure, please ask your host.
The username you have to use to connect to the remote SFTP server. This must be always provided
The password you have to use to connect to the remote SFTP server.
Many (but not all) SSH/SFTP servers allow you to connect to them using cryptographic key files for user authentication. This method is far more secure than using a password. Passwords can be guessed within some degree of feasibility because of their relatively short length and complexity. Cryptographic keys are night impossible to guess with the current technology due to their complexity (on average, more than 100 times as complex as a typical password).
If you want to use this kind of authentication you will need to provide a set of two files, your public and private key files. In this field you have to enter the full filesystem path to your private key file. The private key file must be in RSA or DSA format and has to be configured to be accepted by your remote host. The exact configuration depends on your SSH/SFTP server and is beyond the scope of this documentation. If you are a curious geek we strongly advise you to search for "ssh certificate authentication" in your favourite search engine for more information.
If you are using encrypted private key files enter the passphrase in the Password field above. If it is not encrypted, which is a bad security practice, leave the Password field blank.
![]() | Important |
If the libssh2 library that the SSH2 extension of PHP is using is compiled against GnuTLS (instead of OpenSSL) you will NOT be able to use encrypted private key files. This has to do with bugs / missing features of GnuTLS, not our code. If you can't get certificate authentication to work please try providing an unencrypted private key file and leave the Password field blank. |
If you are using the key file authentication method described above you will also have to supply the public key file. Enter here the full filesystem path to the public key file. The public key file must be in RSA or DSA format and, of course, unencrypted (as it's a public key).
The absolute filesystem path to your remote site's location where your archives will be stored. This is provided by your hosting company. Do not ask us to tell you what you should put in here because we can't possibly know. There is an easy way to find it, though. Connect to your target SFTP server with FileZilla. Navigate to the intended directory. Above the right-hand folder pane you will see a text box with a path. Copy this path and paste it to Akeeba Backup's setting.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
![]() | Note |
This engine uses the PHP cURL extension. If your host has disabled the cURL extension but has enabled the SSH2 PHP extension you may want to use the Upload to Remote SFTP server engine instead which uses PHP's SSH2 extension. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server. Please note that SFTP is the encrypted file transfer protocol provided by SSH servers. Even though the name is close, it has nothing to do with plain old FTP or FTP over SSL. Not all servers support this but for those which do this is the most secure file transfer option.
The difference of this engine to the DirectSFTP over cURL archiver engine is that this engine uploads backup archives to the server, whereas DirectSFTP over cURL uploads the uncompressed files of your site. DirectSFTP over cURL is designed for rapid migration, this engine is designed for easy moving of your backup archives to an off-server location.
Your originating server (where you are backing up from) must a. have PHP's cURL extension installed and activated, b. have the cURL extension compiled with SFTP support and c. allow outbound TCP/IP connections to your target host's SSH port. Please note that some hosts provide the cURL extension without SFTP support. This feature will NOT work on these hosts. Moreover, some hosts apply a firewall policy which requires you to specify to which hosts your server can connect. In such a case you might need to allow communication to your remote host.
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. SFTP does not allow resuming of uploads so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to SFTP equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10Mb and 20Mb. Most servers have a bandwidth cap of 20Mbits, which equals to roughly 2Mb/sec (1 byte is 8 bits, plus there's some traffic overhead, lost packets, etc). With a time limit of 10 seconds, we can upload at most 2 Mb/sec * 10 sec = 20Mb without timing out. If you get timeouts during post-processing lower the part size.
Upload to Remote SFTP Server over cURL
The available configuration options are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to the SFTP server.
The hostname of your remote (target) server, e.g.
. You must NOT enter the
sftp:// or ssh:// protocol prefix. If you do, Akeeba
Backup will try to remove it automatically and issue a
warning about it.
The TCP/IP port of your remote host's SFTP (SSH) server. It's usually 22. If unsure, please ask your host.
The username you have to use to connect to the remote SFTP server. This must be always provided
The password you have to use to connect to the remote SFTP server.
Many (but not all) SSH/SFTP servers allow you to connect to them using cryptographic key files for user authentication. This method is far more secure than using a password. Passwords can be guessed within some degree of feasibility because of their relatively short length and complexity. Cryptographic keys are night impossible to guess with the current technology due to their complexity (on average, more than 100 times as complex as a typical password).
If you want to use this kind of authentication you will need to provide a set of two files, your public and private key files. In this field you have to enter the full filesystem path to your private key file. The private key file must be in RSA or DSA format and has to be configured to be accepted by your remote host. The exact configuration depends on your SSH/SFTP server and is beyond the scope of this documentation. If you are a curious geek we strongly advise you to search for "ssh certificate authentication" in your favourite search engine for more information.
If you are using encrypted private key files enter the passphrase in the Password field above. If it is not encrypted, which is a bad security practice, leave the Password field blank.
![]() | Important |
If cURL is compiled against GnuTLS (instead of OpenSSL) you will NOT be able to use encrypted private key files. This has to do with bugs / missing features of GnuTLS, not our code. If you can't get certificate authentication to work please try providing an unencrypted private key file and leave the Password field blank. |
If you are using the key file authentication method described above you will also have to supply the public key file. Enter here the full filesystem path to the public key file. The public key file must be in RSA or DSA format and, of course, unencrypted (as it's a public key). Some newer versions of cURL allow you to leave this blank, in which case they will derive the public key information from the private key file. We do not recommend this approach.
The absolute filesystem path to your remote site's location where your archives will be stored. This is provided by your hosting company. Do not ask us to tell you what you should put in here because we can't possibly know. There is an easy way to find it, though. Connect to your target SFTP server with FileZilla. Navigate to the intended directory. Above the right-hand folder pane you will see a text box with a path. Copy this path and paste it to Akeeba Backup's setting.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional 3.5.a1 and later. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the SugarSync cloud storage service. SugarSync has a free tier (with 5Gb of free space) and a paid tier. Akeeba Backup can work with either one.
Please note that Akeeba Backup can only upload files to Sync Folders, it can not upload files directly to a Workspace (a single device). You have to set up your Sync Folders in SugarSync before using Akeeba Backup. If you have not created or specified any Sync Folder, Akeeba Backup will upload the backup archives to your Magic Briefcase, the default Sync Folder which syncs between all of your devices, including your mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android phones, ...).
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. As most cloud storage providers, SugarSync does not allow appending to files, so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to SugarSync equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10Mb and 20Mb. Most servers have a bandwidth cap of 20Mbits, which equals to roughly 2Mb/sec (1 byte is 8 bits, plus there's some traffic overhead, lost packets, etc). With a time limit of 10 seconds, we can upload at most 2 Mb/sec * 10 sec = 20Mb without timing out. If you get timeouts during post-processing lower the part size.
![]() | Tip |
If you use the native CRON mode (akeeba-backup.php), there is usually no time limit - or there is a very high time limit in the area of 3 minutes or so. Ask your host about it. Setting up a profile for use only with the native CRON mode allows you to increase the part size and reduce the number of parts a complete backup consists of. |
Since Akeeba Backup 7.0 you need to perform an additional step the very first time you set up SugarSync to obtain a set of Access Key ID and Secret Access Key which will be used together with your email and password to access SugarSync. SugarSync's API needs all four pieces of information (Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Email and Password) to grant access to your files.
First go to SygarSync's site and select the Developer Portal option at the footer of the site. If this is your first time there select the Join our Program option. It is free of charge.
Then go to the Developer Console (it requires you to log into SugarSync). At the top of the page there is the Your Access Keys area. If you already have entries there skip this paragraph. If you do not have any entries there click on Add Keys. This creates an entry.
![]() | Note |
You can ignore the Your Apps section. In fact, creating an app is optional, makes authentication more complicated and does not offer any security or workflow advantage. Therefore, Akeeba Ltd chose not to implement support for SugarSync's Apps. |
You need to copy the Access Key ID and its corresponding Private Access Key in your Akeeba Backup configuration, as explained below.
Upload to SugarSync
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to SugarSync.
The Access Key ID you have created in SugarSync's Developer Console page.
The Private Access Key that corresponds to the Access Key ID you have created in SugarSync's Developer Console page.
The email used by your SugarSync account.
The password used by your SugarSync account.
The directory inside SugarSync where your files will
be stored in. If you want to use subdirectories, you have
to use a forward slash, e.g.
You may use the backup naming
variables, e.g. [HOST] for the site's host name or
[DATE] for the current date.
Please note that the first part of your directory
should be the name of your shared folder. For example, if
you have a shared folder named
and you want to create a
subdirectory inside it based on the site's name, you need
to enter backups/[HOST]
in the
directory box. If a Sync Folder by the name "backups" is
not found, a directory named "backups" will be created
inside your Magic Briefcase folder. Yes, it's more
complicated than, say, DropBox – but that's also why
SugarSync is more powerful.
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the iDriveSync low-cost, encrypted, cloud storage service.
![]() | Warning |
Per the email sent by iDrive Inc., iDriveSync has reached End of Life in January 2021 and will be turned off December 2021. Akeeba Backup's iDriveSync integration will be removed between December 2021 and February 2022. You will need to migrate your data to their iDrive
product. iDrive can be used with Akeeba Backup using the
Upload to Amazon S3 feature. The information iDrive publishes
Duplicati are also relevant for Akeeba Backup. You need
to set the Custom Endpoint option to
Upload to iDriveSync
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to iDriveSync
Your iDriveSync username or email address
Your iDriveSync password
If you have locked your account with a private key (which means that all your data is stored encrypted in iDriveSync) please enter your Private Key here. If you are not making use of this feature please leave this field blank.
The directory inside your iDriveSync where your
files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
![]() | Tip |
You can use backup naming variables in the directory name in order to create it dynamically. These are the same variables as what you can use in the archive name, i.e. [DATE], [TIME], [HOST], [RANDOM]. |
This is required for iDriveSync accounts created after 2014. If you have entered your username/e-mail and password correctly but Akeeba Backup can't connect to iDriveSync please try checking this box.
Lengthier explanation. Sometime after 2014 iDriveSync started signing up new users through instead of The new accounts need to access a new service endpoint (URL) to upload new files, delete existing files and so on. Meanwhile, accounts created before this change still need to access the old service endpoint (URL). The same service, two different interface implementations, making it impossible for us to automatically detect which method will work with your iDriveSync account. Therefore the only thing we could do was add this confusing checkbox. We're sorry about that.
![]() | Note |
This feature is available only to Akeeba Backup Professional. |
Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any server which supports the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) protocol. Examples of storage services supporting WebDAV:
OwnCloud is a software solution that you can install on your own servers to provide a private cloud.
CloudDAV is a service which gives you WebDAV access to a plethora of cloud storage providers: Amazon S3, GMail, RackSpace CloudFiles, Microsoft OneDrive (formerly: SkyDrive), Windows Azure BLOB Storage, iCloud, LiveMesh,, FTP servers, Email (which, unlike the Send by email engine in Akeeba Backup, does support large files), Google Docs, Mezeo, Zimbra, FilesAnywhere, Dropbox, Google Storage, CloudMe, Microsoft SharePoint, Trend Micro, OpenStack Swift (supported by several providers), Google sites, HP cloud, Alfresco cloud, Open S3, Eucalyptus Walrus, Microsoft Office 365, EMC Atmos, iKoula - iKeepinCloud, PogoPlug, Ubuntu One, SugarSync, Hosting Solutions, BaseCamp, Huddle, IBM Files Cloud, Scality, Google Drive, Memset Memstore, DumpTruck, ThinkOn, Evernote, Cloudian,, Salesforce. [TESTED with Amazon S3 as the storage provider]
Apache web server (when the optional WebDAV support is enabled – recommended for advanced users only).
Pretty much every storage provider which claims to support WebDAV
![]() | Tip |
You can find more information for WebDAV access of each of these providers in |
![]() | Note |
We have not thoroughly tested and do not guarantee that any of the above providers will work smoothly with Akeeba Backup unless you see the notive [TESTED] next to it. |
Before you begin, you should know the limitations. As most remote storage technologies, WebDAV does not allow appending to files, so the archive has to be transferred in a single step. PHP has a time limit restriction we can't overlook. The time required to upload a file to WebDAV equals the size of the file divided by the available bandwidth. We want to time to upload a file to be less than PHP's time limit restriction so as to avoid timing out. Since the available bandwidth is finite and constant, the only thing we can reduce in order to avoid timeouts is the file size. To this end, you have to produce split archives, by setting the part size for archive splitting in ZIP's or JPA's engine configuration pane. The suggested values are between 10Mb and 20Mb. Most servers have a bandwidth cap of 20Mbits, which equals to roughly 2Mb/sec (1 byte is 8 bits, plus there's some traffic overhead, lost packets, etc). With a time limit of 10 seconds, we can upload at most 2 Mb/sec * 10 sec = 20Mb without timing out. If you get timeouts during post-processing lower the part size.
![]() | Tip |
If you use the native CRON mode (akeeba-backup.php), there is usually no time limit - or there is a very high time limit in the area of 3 minutes or so. Ask your host about it. Setting up a profile for use only with the native CRON mode allows you to increase the part size and reduce the number of parts a complete backup consists of. |
Upload to WebDAV
The required settings for this engine are:
If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. This is useful if you are low on disk space (disk quota) when used in conjunction with Delete archive after processing. When using this feature we suggest having 10Mb plus the size of your part for split archives free in your account. The drawback with enabling this option is that if the upload fails, the backup fails. If you don't enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized. This ensures that if the upload process fails a valid backup will still be stored on your server. The drawback is that it requires more available disk space.
When this option is set to No (default) the backup will not stop if uploading the backup archive to the remote storage fails. A warning will be issued, but the backup will be marked as successful. You can then go to the Manage Backups page and retry uploading the backup archive to remote storage. This is useful if the backup failed to upload because of a transient network or remote server issue, or a misconfiguration you have fixed after the backup was taken. This also acts as a safety net: if your site breaks after the backup is taken you can restore from the latest backup archive which failed to upload —in whole or in part— to remote storage.
When this option is set to Yes the backup will stop as soon as Akeeba Backup detects that it failed to upload a backup archive to the remote storage. If you have set Process each part immediately to No (default) that will be it; the backup attempt will be marked as Failed and all backup archive files of this backup attempt will be removed. If you have set have set Process each part immediately to Yes and some backup archive files have already been uploaded to the remote storage they will be left behind when the backup attempt is marked as Failed; you will have to remove them yourself, manually, outside of Akeeba Backup. In either case you will not have a valid backup. If your site breaks before you can rectify the problem you are left without a backup.
Considering that the vast majority of the rare occurrences of backup upload failures we see are transient issues, we consider this option to be dangerous as it can unexpectedly leave you without a valid backup when you need one. It is far better to leave this setting set to No and monitor your backups for warnings. There are extremely few use cases where this option makes sense (e.g. taking a backup of a site on a server without enough space for both the backup archive and the site to coexist, a situation which is anyway problematic should you need to restore the backup). We very strongly recommend not enabling this option unless you have a compelling use case and understand the implications of potentially being left without a valid backup at random.
If enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to SugarSync.
The username you use to connect to your WebDAV server
The password you use to connect to your WebDAV server
The base URL of your WebDAV server's endpoint. It
might be a directory such as
or even a script
endpoint such as
. If unsure
please ask your WebDAV provider for more
![]() | Warning |
If the base URL of your WebDAV server's endpoint
is a directory (almost always) you MUST use a trailing
slash, e.g. |
The directory inside the WebDAV folder where your
files will be stored in. If you want to use
subdirectories, you have to use a forward slash, e.g.
You may use the backup naming
variables, e.g. [HOST] for the site's host name or
[DATE] for the current date.
![]() | Warning |
You MUST always use a directory. Most WebDAV
servers, e.g., allow you to use the root
directory which is denoted by |