
Site Restoration

#41543 Cannot restore my site using Kickstart Professional 8.0.6

Posted in ‘Site restoration’
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Environment Information

PHP version
CMS Type
CMS Version
Backup Tool Version
Akkeeba Backup Prof 8.3.1
Kickstart version
Kickstart Professional 8.0.6

Latest post by on Saturday, 01 March 2025 14:17 CST


In the attachment below I have described in detail what steps I have done. The site restoration with the kickstart tool seems to work at the beginning (see the screenshots). But at the end the website does not work and nearly all installed files seem to be 'cleaned up' somehow

Remark:The use of the kickstart tool is familiar to me. I made a lot of successfull website restoration proceses in the past. And now I wanted to do the same again .... but this time the procedure was not successfull .... do you have any idea? 

Akeeba Staff

Please be advised that in my reply I am trying to be factual, not patronizing. I am always happy to explain these points to clients making enquiries like yours, but I have not found a good way to convey them in a way that won't be perceived as offensive by some people. Please keep that in mind when reading my reply. Thank you in advance!

I'd like to open by this by reminding you that Kickstart is not a restoration script.

Kickstart is the backup archive extraction tool. It only extracts the backup archive. It has nothing to do with the database restoration and the site reconfiguration. That is handled by ANGIE, the restoration script which was included in your backup archive at backup time. Kindly note that this information is printed on your screen every time you run Kickstart, explained in our video tutorials, and included in several documentation pages.

As per your document, your backup archive did extract just fine, so you are past Kickstart. It's done its job. What you see is the backup restoration script. This is a separate application which was placed inside your backup archive when you took a backup.

The restoration script worked just fine so far. You went past the pre-installation, and database restoration page. You are in the Site Setup page, and you said this:

Remark : Server specific configuration file  no options can be made ?!?

Since this is a public ticket, please let me say this so that other people can find their bearings. You are talking about the “Server-specific configuration files” panel in the top right of the main content area.

That panel has two options, both of which are disabled. This is expected. The documentation tells you that the options under the “Server-specific configuration files” panel are disabled when the respective optional files do not exist. Please remember that server-specific configuration files are optional. Most sites will not have them. We have these options there in case these optional files exist, so you can take action during the restoration to a different server without having to also use FTP / SFTP to deal with them. Conversely, when a site does not have either of them –which is most sites– the options will be disabled (grayed out).

More specifically:

  • The “Remove .user.ini and / or php.ini files from the main site directory” is only available when a .user.ini and / or a php.ini file exists in your site's main directory.
  • The “Delete the .htaccess and .htpasswd files in the administrator directory” is only available when the administrator/.htaccess file is present on your site, i.e. when you use password-protection in your administrator directory.

When you see disabled options in our software –or anywhere else, really– it means these options do not apply to you, and you can safely ignore them.

Just click the next button at the top right to complete your site's restoration.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Hi Nicholas,

Thank you very much for your comprehensive answer. In the meantime I could successfully restore my website. And I did it as always .... so what did I do:


- As a first step I have chosen another 'jpa' file (may be the one I have chosen yesterday was not a 'full' backup but only one of my 'data' backups .... so probably I made some confusion here)

- And as a second step I cleaned the browser from old caching data before starting the process ...


At the moment I don't know if the second action is really necessary but for the moment I have no questions anymore. So you can close this ticket. Thank you again for you fast help

Akeeba Staff

Neither Kickstart nor the restoration script use any kind of caching or cookies. It is, however, possible that your site is behind a CDN. If this is the case, you MUST add exceptions to it for Kickstart itself (usually /kickstart.php), and the /installation directory. Since these are created temporarily during restoration you definitely don't want them cached. In fact, it is a good idea to temporarily disable your CDN (i.e. enable its "developer" or "pass-through" mode) before restoring. After restoration, clear the CDN's existing cache, and re-enable it. This should go without saying, by the very nature of what a CDN does.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

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Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

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