
Site Restoration

#40366 no Backend access for site restoring with Akeeba Component

Posted in ‘Site restoration’
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Environment Information

PHP version
CMS Type
CMS Version
Backup Tool Version
9.8.3 Pro
Kickstart version

Latest post by tampe125 on Friday, 01 March 2024 03:07 CST

[email protected]
  I have updated my CMS and some plugins. After that, I can no longer log into the backend. The page error 500 is displayed in the frontend. I made a backup before the updates. As I cannot access the backend, I cannot access the Akeeba components either. Can you install the latest backup on my server? However, I was able to find the last backup file on the FTP server. I have copied the single-part backup to the site's root of my domain The backup file is called

User: [email protected]
Pass: Huschelbu2#

SFTP access via
User: a54732
Port: 22
Pass: Huschelbu123#

I hope that my information is sufficient.
Best regards and many thanks in advance
Michael Kuckhoff

Akeeba Staff


A white page or a page with a 500 Internal Server Error is, in fact, either a .htaccess issue to a PHP fatal error in disguise.

First, let's see if it is a .htaccess issue. Try renaming the .htaccess file in your site's root to htaccess.bak If there is a .htaccess file in the site's administrator directory, try renaming it as well. If that solves the problem, the issue was with a directive in your .htaccess file. We'd like to recommend you to try removing directives from your .htaccess until you find the one which causes the problem.

If that doesn't help, the error you are receiving is in fact a PHP error in disguise. First, check your server's error logs (not the access logs) immediately after visiting the page which throws the error. There should be an exact description of the PHP fatal error which occurred. Sometimes you can find the error messages in files called error_log or error.log inside the site's root and/or administrator directories. If unsure about the error log location, please consult your host. Most likely the error logs are available in your site's hosting control panel.

If your host does not give you access to the error logs and you have access to the Joomla! administrator area, please log in to your site's back-end, go to Global Configuration, click on the Server tab and set the Error Reporting to Development. Try visiting the problem page again.

If you still get a blank page, edit your configuration.php file and put the following code right after the final closing curly brace ( this is what a curly brace looks like --> } ) but before the closing PHP tag (it looks like ?> that is a question mark and a greater-than sign):

ini_set( 'display_errors', true );
error_reporting( E_ALL ); 

Try visiting the problem page again.

If you still get a white page, please remove the two lines from your configuration.php file. Edit the .htaccess file in your site's root. If you don't have a file named .htaccess create a new one. Beware that htaccess.txt is a DIFFERENT FILE and will NOT work! Add the following to the end of the file:

php_flag display_errors On
php_value error_reporting 32767

and retry loading the problem page.

If you still get a white page, remove the two lines from your .htaccess file. Now, create a file called php.ini with the following content:


and upload it into your site's root and your site's administrator directory. Retry loading the problem page.

If that fails again, remove the php.ini file and create a file named .user.ini (note that it's dot user dot ini, the leading dot is important) with the contents:


and upload it into your site's root and your site's administrator directory. Wait for 10 minutes. Waiting is important, .user.ini files do not apply immediately. Retry loading the problem page.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes the error won't show. Edit your configuration.php and find the line starting with public $error_reporting and set it to:

public $error_reporting = 'development';

This instructs Joomla! to enable maximum error, warnings and notices verbosity. In 99.9% of cases it will result in the error messages being shown on the browser.

If you still get a white page, delete the php.ini or .user.ini file your created and consult your host. They have to provide you the PHP error message, file and line it occurs (along with the error's backtrace) themselves.

Please note that if you can not understand what the PHP error message means, just copy and paste it here verbatim so that we can take a look and point you to the right direction.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

[email protected]

Oh God, I'm a surgeon and not a programmer. I don't understand the instructions. I was really hoping that a simple install of the last backup would fix the problem. I have therefore copied the file to the root directory. Nicholas has already been able to help me a lot this way. I have also provided the access data in my post. Please help me.

Akeeba Staff

By enabling the error reporting mode, as previously suggested, it seems that the problem is caused by the system plugin nrframework. By renaming it (so it's disabled) you can get access to the backend. The frontend still gives you a 500 error, but at least you can get to your backend.

That plugin seems to be a framework for another extension developed by , you should review your installed extensions and try to install again the extension from that developer.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

[email protected]

I was able to perform a restoring without an error message. Afterwards the frontend is no longer accessible (DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN). 

Numerous problems are reported in the backend:  screenshot.jpg

Posts are still available, but no media files. What can be done here? Thank you very much


Akeeba Staff

Regarding the frontend, try replacing current .htaccess with Joomla default one (remember to use your browser in incognito mode to avoid caching issues).

Can you please double check your configuration.php if the variable $live_site is empty or has a value in it?

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

[email protected]

public $live_site = '';

[email protected]

joomla htaccess.txt upload without any changes

Akeeba Staff

The $live_site variable should be empty. Please remove any contents and try again. That's the source of your error.

For the records, in 99.9% of the cases that variable should be empty, in almost 15 years of working with Joomla and doing tech support I never had the need to fill it.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Support Information

Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

Support policy: We would like to kindly inform you that when using our support you have already agreed to the Support Policy which is part of our Terms of Service. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us help you!