Without giving me the exact messages you saw I can't help you, I can only make assumptions.
> I restored the last backup taken just before installing the plugin, and then it gave me an error message saying something about host error.
Without the exact error message I have no idea what you saw and what it means. Something may or may not have worked which may or may not be a problem. That's all I can tell you without an error message.
> are there logs for restoration?
No. They would be overwritten on restoration since we're replacing all the files, right?
> It also said that the size of the dataabase is 80mg (size of backup archive is 2.5gb.
The backup archive consist of the installation script, a copy of your database as a number of SQL files and your site's files. By definition, the backup archive will be bigger than the size of a compressed dump of your site's database in SQL format.
Also, the message probably told you something along the lines that the maximum row size of a single table in the database is 80MiB, not that the entire database is 80MiB. We do not have anything which can report the size of your database as this is a meaningless number. What is the size of a database? The size of the SQL dump? The size on disk? The size of data without the additional information MySQL/MariaDB keep to maintain their structure? All of these numbers are equally correct and wrong and all of these are equally meaningless.
The maximum size of a single row, however, is relevant to the restoration. If your database server does not allow a SQL command of equal or greater size to be sent to it (“maximum packet size”) the restoration of the database will fail. That's why we report it if it's over 1MiB.
> I freaked out and then went to my site - which showed the angie restoration... which then restored the site properly.
Based on this I would say that at least most of your backup archive was extracted, at the very least the beginning of it which contains the restoration script and the copy of your database. Since the site restored properly I would also say that whatever unspecified error or warning or message you received earlier is unlikely to cause any problem.
> Also, the plugin was still sitting disabled - i assume that is normal?
Yes. Restoring a backup does not remove files. The plugin's files are still there, therefore WordPress shows it as “deactivated”. Deleting the plugin will get rid of these files.
> further more.. the back up i took just before installing the plugin was only 488 mg NOT the usual 2.5GB!!!
Does the backup profile you used include everything or do you exclude files and database data in it? Is it possible that the actual size of your site's backups should be about half a gigabyte but your previous backups were backing up old backups? How long is a piece of string?! This is basically the kind of question you are asking. I can't answer it as I do not know anything about your site and how your backups are set up — but you do.
Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Lead Developer and Director
🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!