
Site Restoration

#36842 After restoration on another server Class 'FOF40\Container\Container' not found

Posted in ‘Site restoration’
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Kickstart version

Latest post by nicholas on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 02:48 CDT

I used an akeeba backup on my  dev site and then restored it with the .jpa file on my other server temporary site.
First time it gave me this error
Class 'FOF40\Container\Container' not found

I read in previous tickets that there were references to it being from the backup on update plugin.
Several people mentioned just deleting the folder  "What did fix it for me was to delete the plugins/system/backuponupdate folder (which allowed me back into the site admin area) "
I tried that with no resolve , I think because I am not doing an update as all of the references I found are doing.
I am restoring from one server to another

I then made a back up on my original server of my dev site but used Akeeba to exclude Akeeba and the plugin 

My dev site is at  which is hosted on InmotionHosting  shared VPS and the site I restored it on is at which is a temporary site on Siteground

It still did not resolve it returned the information below /home/customer/www/ line 186 $container           = Container::getInstance('com_akeeba');
I deleted the akeebabackup folder and of course that made it no better likely worse.

Now I am in the position of not being able to restore a backup for comparison and testing.
I currently have an issue on my dev site where the login does not  return the visitor to the same page after going to a member or restricted page. I have one or two other issues I would like to test but can not until I can restore a backup.

Thank you

Akeeba Staff

Did you restore on top of an existing site? If you did, it's possible that you have mixed different versions of extensions which makes it unproductive trying to figure out what is going on. Instead, delete the files on the dev site and restore the backup afresh.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


No this was a brand new site nothing existed before 

How do I fix that FOF error?

Thank you

Akeeba Staff

I need you to do a few things things to help with diagnosing.

Does the folder libraries/fof40 exist in BOTH the site you are backing up from AND the restored site?

Next up, I need you to edit the restored site's configuration.php file and set

public $debug = true;
public $error_reporting = 'maximum';

Try to access the site again. You should have a far more detailed message with a debug backtrace. I need all of the information on that page.

Finally, I need the backup log file of the backup archive you are trying to restore.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Does the folder libraries/fof40 exist in BOTH the site you are backing up from AND the restored site?

Finally, I need the backup log file of the backup archive you are trying to restore.
Your log file is 17.33 Mb big.
Maximum allowed size for attachments: 10 MB
I attached the file zipped

Edit 1: it wouldnt allow me to upload  7 zip file type so I need to do it again as a zip file or you can on my dev site
un: support
pw: (supp2K22)

Edit 2: Try to access the site again. You should have a far more detailed message with a debug backtrace. I need all of the information on that page.
i set it it to true it was 1 and it was maximum after the site  has a blank page with no errors showing likely because I deleted items 

Understand that the temporary site I did not include Akeeba and also deleted the folders I mentioned 

In order to see the errors correctly I think I need to make a new back of original dev site with no exclusions and run it again and report errors back to you?

Thank you

Akeeba Staff

> In order to see the errors correctly I think I need to make a new back of original dev site with no exclusions and run it again and report errors back to you?

Yes, you need to make a backup without excluding anything.

From the log file, I see that the libraries/fof40 directory is backed up correctly. You also say that it exists. This leaves me with two reasonable educated guesses as to what may have happened:

  1. You are trying to extract the backup archive (which is in ZIP format) without using Kickstart. This may not work because Akeeba Backup uses the normative (official) PKZIP format for multipart archives which is not supported by the InfoZip library used by the unzip programme in Linux distributions (what your host's control panel would be using), 7-Zip and most free unarchivers. Using Kickstart avoids that problem.
  2. Your host is using some kind of caching, e.g. OPcache. If you are not using Kickstart 7.1.0 or later this won't be cleared and your host's PHP may not be “seeing” the .php files which have been extracted and are present on your site.

Alternatively, you may have a different issue which will make itself known if you restore a FULL site backup, with nothing omitted, and $debug set to true in the configuration.php file.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


I made backup from with no exclusions except  Akeeba backup folder
Database exclusions on the action logs finder links and session tables
Restored on using latest Akeeba pro, kickstart and JPA 
I set config file as requested.

Result was a blank frontend browser page with no errors reported 

There are no errors showing.

Thank you

Akeeba Staff

I downloaded your backup from the dev site you gave me access to.

When restoring did you change the Live Site URL in the Site Setup page? If not, that's the first problem. You should remove everything from that field and leave it empty. It is only needed in VERY specific cases where a server misconfiguration means that Apache does not receive the HTTP Host header, therefore it cannot relay the site's hostname to PHP for Joomla to read. In 99.99% of the sites this is best left empty.

If you are restoring on the same hosting account, did you check the Override tmp and log paths option in the Site Setup page? If not, that's the second problem.

The other thing to consider is that your .htaccess file has a lot of crap added to it by your cPanel. There's an option in the Site Setup page to replace the .htaccess file with the default. Did you check it? If not, that would be the third problem. Sure enough, if I don't do that I get all sorts of errors — invisible on the page, but I can see them in the web server's error log. They boil down to “you are trying to set this PHP setting in your .htaccess but you are not actually allowed to, I will therefore roll over and die”.

Having done these three things, I can see your beautiful site just fine on my local test server :) I am attaching the screenshot as a proof (note the URL: client.local.web is the locally resolved domain name I use for testing clients' backups).

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Thank you Nicholas as usual you explain so that the actual causes are revealed not just addressing the symptoms and providing band aids leaving the disease to grow and repeat like most idiopathic  support.

It is all mainly working well now on my KTN demo site

"When restoring did you change the Live Site URL in the Site Setup page?"
Since I was moving to my server I did change it that way the menu items and the link from Joomla CMS works and does not go to the original site.

"The other thing to consider is that your .htaccess file has a lot of crap..... added to it by your cPanel.....I get all sorts of errors — invisible on the page, but I can see them in the web server's error log. "
This KTN site was a new installation  on Inmotion hosting and then restored on Siteground and I assume the .htaccess file was part of the Akeeba backup, if it was, then this was created from a Rockettheme Supra  template installation  with Joomla package called rocketlauncher.
So I dont know why and what  crap Rockettheme would have added , and I dont how the host Cpanel could have added crap.

I have used Rockettheme for a long time now and assumed there .htaccess file was standard and was sourced from Joomla.
I would really like to know what errors because I have a couple of issues on this site that are difficult to detect.
Visitors dont appear to be able to sign out or the cache is retaining their session even after all cache clearing from host to browser, on both inmotion and siteground.

I will see if I can find the  web server's error log on both Inmotion and Siteground. Thank you for making  me aware of that perhaps it is my issue

"“you are trying to set this PHP setting in your .htaccess but you are not actually allowed to, I will therefore roll over and die”." Now thats an entertaining way of discussing code.
Again thanks, I will see if I can tell myself which PHP setting is murdering the website and not allowed

" I can see your beautiful site just fine on my local test server :)"
Not sure if you are being sarcastic but it is way too busy in my opinion to be beautiful.
I am rarely allowed to make the beautiful websites I want to and could.

Thank you Nicholas for all of this excellent insight and support over the last 20 years or so. I always refer  people to you and make sure they are using Akeeba and sign up with you there is no better support in all of  the CMS realm  that I have found all the way back to my Amiga days.


How do I edit a my reply if I find a change after submitting it, I dont want to be kicked out of the line if I enter a reply twice in a row and our time difference i am in Toronto means I have to wait almost a day if I do?

Akeeba Staff

> Since I was moving to my server I did change it that way the menu items and the link from Joomla CMS works and does not go to the original site.

You shouldn't have to. Joomla always uses the hostname of the site you are accessing. If your menu items were redirecting you to the old site something must have been wrong in your .htaccess file. I removed the backup and the restored site after replying to you so I can't tell you within any degree of certainty.

> So I dont know why and what crap Rockettheme would have added , and I dont how the host Cpanel could have added crap.

You know how cPanel allows you to change the PHP version of your site and its configuration? This is done by writing special code in the .htaccess file. This is not portable across servers which is why we have the Site Setup options to revert to the Joomla default .htaccess file :)

> I would really like to know what errors because I have a couple of issues on this site that are difficult to detect.

In my case, the ability to set PHP configuration options through the .htaccess file was disabled so these lines made the server throw an error — it was complaining I am using a feature which is not enabled.

Some of these settings were about the absolute filesystem location of PHP's temporary folder so I'd guess these are not portable between servers or even between site locations.

> Visitors dont appear to be able to sign out or the cache is retaining their session even after all cache clearing from host to browser, on both inmotion and siteground.

This sounds like a session issue which could indeed be caused by the wrong settings regarding PHP's session folder in the .htaccess file.

> Not sure if you are being sarcastic but it is way too busy in my opinion to be beautiful.

Trust me, its design is a-okay. You don't want to know the atrocities I've seen in 16 years of doing support for my backup software. Your site is clean and understandable. Yes, a bit busy, but not to the point that I get motion sickness or desperately look for a compass. Plus, I like planes :D (unfortunately never had the time to pursue getting a PPL).

> Thank you Nicholas for all of this excellent insight and support over the last 20 years or so. I always refer  people to you and make sure they are using Akeeba and sign up with you there is no better support in all of  the CMS realm  that I have found all the way back to my Amiga days.

Thank you! I try to help people as much as I can. Teach a man to fish and all that :)

> How do I edit a my reply if I find a change after submitting it, I dont want to be kicked out of the line if I enter a reply twice in a row and our time difference i am in Toronto means I have to wait almost a day if I do?

It's actually best if you just submit another reply. New replies show up in my latest tickets feed, edits do not. On top of that, edits are time-locked to 15' after you submit a post, to avoid having a ticket history which makes no sense.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


I need to find a default joomla 3 .htaccess file to ensure this is clean and test again.
The only way I can log out is to change the access of a content K2 item to super user then visit the K2 item in the browser it then logs me out.
K2 doesnt work the settings for hiding  attachments id never honoured in the browser and i cant test easily or at all without being sure and able and confirming i am signed out.
K2 has been a dog on this site since day 1.

Other content like Joomla articles works perfectly it must be K2 or membership pro by Joomdonation which has a K2 item restriction setting

I saw your avatar pic once  it looked  like your in a plane so thought you were a pilot 
I would love too but I have  no time no money and I have no guts to change that scenario.


Akeeba Staff

> I need to find a default joomla 3 .htaccess file to ensure this is clean and test again.

Check your site's root. There should be a file named htaccess.txt. Copy it (don't rename it!) into .htaccess and you have successfully reverted back to the default Joomla .htaccess file!

> I saw your avatar pic once it looked like your in a plane so thought you were a pilot 

I was in a plane but I was in the back seat :) Phil Taylor of was flying the plane. Since we were in Greece and he had less than 10 hours flying in the Greek airspace the safety pilot had to be someone with that experience so we were assigned one by the company that rented out the plane. Very lovely lad, former airforce pilot. It was very interesting flying from the Megara airport for three reasons.

First, you have a flight ceiling of 1000ft because above that you're in the airspace of the ATH airport. The surrounding hills are at 1200ft though. It's a bit freakish to see the hilltops looming above either side of you as you leave the airport. It provides for great scenery though!

There's a small island just off the airport you can't fly over (navy antenna installation). This makes landing interesting. You start flying parallel to the runway, wait for the ATC to give you the all clear and do a super tight right turn to start your final approach. Beats the crap out of any rollercoaster I've been on!

The third reason is that it's a mixed use, civilian and military, airport. When we were landing there were two Chinook army helicopters practicing hovering just off the ground, 100 ft off the end of the runway. They create a sizeable wake with their twin rotors. Flying over that wake was a new thing for Phil but he nailed it.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Now that would be an exciting experience. I have used Phils services for years off and on.
The views would be magnificent in that area and situation.

I never was able to get to Greece I played soccer for a quasi semi pro Greek team for a few years. I know they paid the professional Greek players on the team but not me.  Anyway they were  good people for the most part and heard lots of stories about Greece. In Toronto we have a little Greece on the Danforth and I lived there for years found my favourite food spanakopita I eat it two  or 3 times a week or saganaki.

My best friend was training  to become a pilot and I used to train a bit with him and his dad who was a long time pilot and Air controller . I got to do a fair bit of flying but like you said some of the training routines would be nauseous and frightening, I loved it!

The military stuff must have been great to see that close.
I was very fortunate to live in a condo in downtown Toronto waterfront for about 6 years and I was on the 26th floor every year the air show was on for a few days and I literally saw and felt all the top fighting planes up close for days on my balcony. Two F-16 Fighting Falcons or something close to that did a dog fight mock up right between the two condos the noise was unbelievable and it shook the entire condo unit. I know they weren't  sanctioned or allowed to do that.

Maybe one day I will rent a plane and join you love to do it again !

Cheers Derek

Akeeba Staff

Thank you and have an awesome week, Derek!

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

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Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

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