I'm a long-time, confident & competent user of Akeeba Backup/Kickstart Pro and use it daily.
It always works great, and I don't think I've ever had an issue - Until now :(
I'm trying to restore a backed-up copy of a test Joomla4 site [www.emdr.concom1.co.uk], using Akeeba Backup and Kickstart pro, in the same way I always do, on the same host I always use in the UK - guru.co.uk
These are great hosts, where I have 100's of Joomla 3/4 sites running well and used by many other Joomlers in the UK too.
With this restoration, once completed, I get a 403 error.
After deleting and restoring again, testing further, and speaking with the host, they have told me that a ModSec rule is triggered by kickstart.php. So I changed the filename to ksp.php, retired again with the same ModSec rule being triggered.
This is the ModSec Rule being triggered.
The rule is to protect from Information disclosure vulnerability in Eclipse Jetty before 9.2.9.v20150224 (CVE-2015-2080)
As above, I've used Akeeba Back up & kickstart 100's of times and never ran into an issue like this, so I tested another Joomla 4.0.3 backup on another/different guru server/account I have and am running into the same problem.
Tested with kickstart core & pro 7.1.0, but don't have any older versions to test and cant see a Kickstart Archive.
Any ideas would be appreciated, and I'm happy to test further.
My host's solution was to ask for support from you and/or disable the rule for this specific domain?
Thanks in advance,
Andy Connell