Hello. I'm trying to restore with Kickstart this site to a local server with Windows 10 and Laragon. I want to do some tests to try to update Joomla to the latest version using PHP 7 because siteground will upgrade their servers soon and I have inherited this painful work.
Initially I was wrongly restoring the site on this configuration:
- Apache httpd-2.4.35-win64-VC15
- php-7.2.19-Win32-VC15-x64
During the recover process I always had error could not upload .htaccess
After that I changed the configuration to this:
- Apache httpd-2.4.38-win64-VC11
- php-5.6.40-Win32-VC11-x64 (same version as the original server)
Now .htaccess is extracted and extraction goes on, but now it interrupts on another file (Could not upload plugins /content/index.html)
I set everyone permissions on root folder and enabled inheritance, in fact content folder (that's created at the moment by kickstart) has everyone permissions with full rights.
I don't know what other I could check.