Your database password contains special characters. Many web servers reject or modify these passwords, causing the database restoration to fail with a database connection error.
We VERY STRONGLY recommend that you change your database password to a long (32 characters or longer) random string consisting of ONLY uppercase letters A-Z, lowercase letters a-z and numbers 0-9.
Do you want to ignore the warning and proceed with the database restoration at your own risk?"
So I changed the password in our HostGator account to one without special characters. Then when I went back to login to our site I could not because the URL refused to work because I had changed the password for the database. So I put the old password back in and now I was able to login to our admin area again at least.
I ran the Restore process anyhow but all I get is "This page isn’t working p2personaltraining.com is currently unable to handle this request.
I am stuck between a rock and a hard place it seems. What can I do now to restore my sisters site for her? Can I do it the old fashioned way using FileZilla after I change the database password to include no characters?