I used Akeeba Backup Core to backup a site at one domain on Joomla! 3.5.1 to restore it to another domain on the same Joomla version. Both the source and the destination site had a couple of Rockettheme Gantry 5 templates (Callisto and Photon) and the destination site had no content (it was a fresh installation). I specified the correct destination url in ANGIE.
I meticulously followed the instructions and right up to the cleaning up of the files on the destination shared hosting space with Akeeba Kickstart, everything worked fine (it even worked first time with the “Directly” extraction method). The “Finished” page at the very end had less text than the one shown in the instructions, but because it said “Almost there! Close this window to return to Kickstart. Click the Clean Up button to start using your restored site. “ I imagine that it had worked successfully. After cleaning up with Kickstart, the page with the two buttons to visit the front end or the back end appeared. I had no problem getting into the backend and getting the expecting responses in it - e.g. to taking the site offline and putting it back online… except that the home page – would not display (in off-line and online mode). Every time the following error was displayed:
Error displaying the error page: The merge filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "NULL" as first argument in "error.html.twig" at line 4.: The merge filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "NULL" as first argument in "offline.html.twig" at line 1.
I checked the UTF8MB4 auto-detection option in ANGIE, but as the hosting provider does not offer the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation option, I imagine that checking that option in ANGIE would have had no effect. Also, the hosting company said that they had success with using the SQL compatibility mode = MYSQL40 instead. However, as this setting can only be changed just before manually importing a database, I suspect it was not active when ANGIE ran.
Could you please help me resolve this problem? Thank you!