This last website was more complicated (3 x databases). Once restored I got an 500 error message.
As per your troubleshooting instructions:
I changed my php.ini file to
memory_limit = 64M
On the other two websites I had to use the .htaccess file to write this:
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_ConfigPath /mypath/public_html/php.ini
But on this website this .htacess file gave me an 500 error. So I named the .htaccess file .htaccess.bak and I could finally see the home page.
But now only links that end in "index.php?option=com_content...." work perfectly - BUT other links that end with eg: " / home-lodge.." give a 404 error message.
I also changed the
public $live_site = "";
I went through the 3rd party files but cant find anything that has a hardcoded url in it. (and I am aware you cant provide support for 3rd party plugins) but perhaps the fact that it works on "?" links and not the "/" links shows you the problem?
Thank you.