I'm trying to migrate a Drupal site with Akeeba Solo and using Kickstart from one server to another. The database restoration falls over about half way through with the following error:
HTTP Request Error
HTTP Status: 500 (Internal Server Error)
Internal status: error
XHR ReadyState: 4
Raw server response:
Which I know doesn't tell you a lot.
By half way I mean that it says it's getting about 9Mb of 25Mb restored and then it generates the error. I've checked phpMyAdmin and about half the db tables are there, so it's connecting to the database fine.
I've look through a heap of support tickets and can't find anything that helps.
In ANGIE at the Database Restoration screen I've tried using MySQLi, MySQL and MySQL (PDO Driver) and they all have pretty much the same result. I've also tried quite a few combinations of the Advanced Options without any success.
Hoping that you have some troubleshooting suggestions for me.