Problem: Angie setup.php return next SQL string as error at last step restoration with our provider Siteground:
SQL=SELECT COUNT(extension_id) FROM `KMBC_extensions` WHERE `type` = 'plugin' AND `folder` = 'twofactorauth' AND `enabled` = '1'
I assume this is the query in setup.php line 358.
Restorationprocess of the database succeeded without any problems.
I don't understand why this happen. I checked the presence of both twofacterauthentication plugins in the administrator. I can enable/disable them. I tried the restoration with both plug-ins enabled and with both disabled. (2 different backups from local site)
In the database both the records in the KMBC_extensions table are present.
Short history:
This site was originally a Joomla 2.5.24 site, running @ Siteground.
Back-upped with ABpro 3.11.4
Installed the jpa on my local Xampp installation and there performed an upgrade to Joomla 3.3.3 after I un-installed non-compatible extensions with J3.3.3.
Upgrade to J3.3.3 was very successful. No errors, no database errors, no nondiscovered extension, and no warnings.
Only one issue I had. In the Joomla post-install message, when I enabled the twofactor plug-in I was not redirected to my user-account, but both plug-ins became enabled. Also I was not able to hide the post-installation message about the twofactorauthentication. I finaly disabled the component in the database. I also tried the Angie restoration with this component in enabled and in disabled state. Nothing helped.
Took backup from the upgraded local site with ABpro 3.11.4 and tried to install online @ Siteground again. Sadly this fails...
Sorry for long explanation.
BTW, I can do a complete restoration of this jpa on my local Xampp environment sucesfully.
So this only happens when restoration @ Siteground...
Nicholas, do you know what is going wrong here?
Best regards,