Have I read the related troubleshooter articles above before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Have I searched the tickets before posting? Yes
Have I read the documentation before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Joomla! version: 2.5.7 & 3.0.1
PHP version: 5.3.x
MySQL version: 5.5.x
Host: (optional, but it helps us help you)
Akeeba Backup version which took the backup: (unknown)
Kickstart version used to extract the backup: (unknown)
Description of my issue:
Hi Nicholas,
1. Download backup file from Amazon S3 to restore backup fails :
I tried to restore a backup using the feature to download the backup file from Amazon S3. The backup itself is automated using Webcron.org and works fine (uploading the backup file to Amazon S3 is succesfull). But when I enter the Amazon S3 access credentials (triple verified) and want to connect to the Amazon S3 server I receive the following error message :
S3::listBuckets(): [60] SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
There is a problem with the ssl connection to the Amazon S3 server. Credentials are correct.
2. Error on homepage (Joomla 3.0.1) and white page on Backend :
I noticed that I still get the error (already posted by another user :ticket #13816) when there is a new version available. Removing the plugins/system/akeebaupdatecheck directory solves the problem but I suppose this shouldn't happen every time there is an update notification. On this particular site the extensions Akeeba Backup Pro v3.6.6 and Akeeba Admin Tools Pro v2.4.0 were installed. Installing the update for Akeeba Backup using the update button in Akeeba Backup Pro cpanel worked fine, trying to update the Akeeba Admin Tools Pro using the update button in Akeeba Admin Tools Pro cpanel didn't work (blanc screen after a few seconds and no activity after that). I had to install the update using the joomla extension installer, which worked fine.
Best regards,
Chris K.
Redpider Webdesign