
Site Restoration

#12738 No administrator popup windows after restore

Posted in ‘Site restoration’
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Environment Information

PHP version
CMS Type
CMS Version
Backup Tool Version
Kickstart version

Latest post by nicholas on Thursday, 21 June 2012 11:24 CDT

Mandatory information about my setup:

Have I read the related troubleshooter articles above before posting (which pages?)? yes
Have I searched the tickets before posting? yes
Have I read the documentation before posting (which pages?)? yes
Joomla! version: 2.5.6
PHP version: 5.2.17
MySQL version: 5.5.23-55
Host: hostgator
Akeeba Backup version which took the backup: Akeeba Backup Core 3.5.2 (2012-06-18)
Kickstart version used to extract the backup: not sure, downloaded it last night, latest stable.

Description of my issue:
In the Joomla Administrator backend, popup windows no longer work. For example, in Admin Tools, clicking on the "options" button in the upper right corner causes the whole page to follow the link, rather than just being a popup on the current page. Does that make sense?

Last night I moved my 2.5 site from a dev subfolder to my root domain (I was upgrading from 1.5 to 2.5) using Kickstart. I followed the documentation and created a new database. All seems well now, except the issue with the popup windows throughout Joomla's administrative back end. I'm not sure this has anything to do with Akeeba, but would like to fix it.

Akeeba Staff
Did you remove the files and folders of the Joomla! 1.5 site before restoring the 2.5 site on top of it?

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Yes they were cleared out first. The popups work find when using Internet Explorer but don't work with Firefox. I would think this is just something on my end with Firefox, but I have another joomla 2.5 open at the same time with the same browser and it is working correctly.

Both sits are joomla 2.5.6

Akeeba Staff
Have you tried clearing Firefox' cache?

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Good thinking, that did it. Thanks

Akeeba Staff
You're welcome :)

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

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