Hi I have setup a Joomla 4 site which is using Fabrik.
The site is in a live state with multiple submissions going into the Fabrik database tables.
I am having an issue with some users when they submit text they get an error "Incorrect String Value XXXX for column XXXXX at row 1"
The fabrik form is taking a mixture of
- text fields
- text area
- file uploads (pdf, png, jpg)
- radio fields
- checkbox fields
The tables it seems are a mixture of collations:
- Joomla Core tables utfmb3_general_ci
- Fabrik tables some are latin1_swedish_ci and some are utf8mb4_unicode_ci
- The columns are also a mixture of these 3 collations.
Database Info
- Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
- Server type: MySQL
- Server connection: SSL is not being used
- Server version: 8.0.32 - MySQL Community Server - GPL
- Protocol version: 10
- Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4)
Should I update the entire database tables and columns to use the same collation? I assume utf8mb4_unicode_ci would be best?
Are there any "dangers" of making this change to my system? E.g can existing records in the system become corrupted or inaccessible in a different collation?
I will of course create backups!
I appreciate any advice.