I'm trying to restore a Akeeba Backup (8.1.9) copy of my live site to my localhost environment without success. Perhaps you could tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I downloaded and installed XAMPP from the Apachefriends website with the PHP 7.4.29 version. It installed just fine. I know this because I executed myPHPAdmin and created a database named "enclave" (without the quotes).
I created a backup on my live website with the default profile using Akeeba Backup 8.1.9. and then downloaded it to my local PC using FileZilla 3.60.2.. I downloaded Kickstart 7.1.2 to my local PC and unzipped it.
I then created a new folder in the xampp/htdocs/ folder named joomla310. I then copied the kickstart.php and the *.jpa backup files to the E:/xampp/htdocs/joomla310 folder on my local PC and then executed the kickstart file which began the restoration of my live-site backup. When I was asked for the database after the file restore, I entered the database name above (enclave). The User was "root" without the quotes with no password. Everything completed successfully.
Now my issue. After the completion, I tried to go to the backend administrator login panel and got a generic login screen which wouldn't let me login with my administrator userid and password. The frontend didn't display my site correctly either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.