Is there an option to restore only the site files and not the database using kickstart?
If not, does this seem like a reasonable plan to restore the files but keep the most recent version of the database?
1. Change database password
2. Backup database in hosting account
3. Delete all site files in hosting account
4. Use Joomlapack Kickstart to restore files and database
5. Check if site works with restored database (old) and files
6. Restore database in hosting account so that restored site points to newer version of database
7. Verify newer content displays
8. Change pw on host, ftp, super and other admin accounts
9. Check user list for suspicious names
10. Uninstall gcalendar-check xml file for files/directories to remove
11. Install updated gcalendar version
12. Continue with Joomla security recommended hack recovery checklist
Thanks for your help!