ive read the pdf documentation doing my best to not go in cock handed but still have got stuck!
ive been working on a joomla 1.5 site on my local host with xxamp - its time for me to get it onto hostgator - i saw the great reviews for joomlapack - in installed and backed up the site all ok - i ftp'd the kickstart.php and backup zip to the public html folder on hostgator ok.
i was able to navigate to the kickstart.php (v2.1.1)and hit the big green button which started up the joomla pack installer (v3)but when i get to the database section i get 'cannot connect to mysql' message - after referrign to the FAQ in the pdf document ive tried every setting i can think of including going into cpanel and creating a database and user but im stuck.
My question is did i need to edit the kickstart.php with the database details BEFORE i ftp'd it? currently it has the localhost details from my pc...there is a secion in the documentation pg 72 re automatic mode that suggests i should..
what can i do to repair the situation now?
how can i initiate the joomlapack installer on the server without going back to kickstart.php and have it unzip the files again (i assume they overwrite the existing ones?)
if worse comes to worse how can i remove the files ive uploaded so i can start from scratch - has kickstart altered the htacess file etc..?
any help greatly appreciated!!