When i try in CLI to take a backup and download it, the backup is finished successfully but after i have an error :
Error #105 - Could not download ‘D:\Backups sites\avoirundevis\www.avoirundevis.fr-20210111-114901-ANzo5DgQyudbFRW6.jpa’ over cURL -- cURL error #78 : Could not open remote file for reading: No such file or directory
Where D:\Backups sites\avoirundevis is the local path
My command is :
php C:\laragon\www\unite\remote.phar --action=backup --host=https://www.avoirundevis.fr --secret=wZ_32KJ0hL4URDfrTGA8NiwPvOUDZiEz --profile=1 --download --dlmode=curl --dlpath="D:\Backups sites\avoirundevis" --dlurl="sftp://avoikmvv:[email protected]:5022/home/avoikmvv/public_html/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup --delete