To deal with it I have edited the file unite/engine/scripting/wordpress.ini
and removed ,wpreplacedata as I do not need it.
Maybe you could consider to make some changes in the method UStepWpreplacedata::_run.
Here are some of my ideas.
Run select query with some limit
$query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('*')->from($db->qn($tableName))->limit($offset, 100); $data = $db->setQuery($query)->loadAssocList();
and create while loop enclosing it and
if ( !empty($data)) { ... }
Also you could change
foreach ($data as $row)
foreach ($data as $i => $row)
and at the end of loop remove this item
I do not know exactly which variable causes memory leak, but maybe unsetting all variables at the end of loop cycle, used inside loop, would help.