Hey Nicholas,
Have not contacted you in a while. Hope all is well in Greece!
I am having an issue with my website where I think I may have possibly been hacked. I have a backup with is about 2 weeks old so I downloaded it to my computer. I then created a new backup of the current site hoping to use sitediff to help find the problem. However, I am getting the "error could not create folder for thumbs.sb:encryptable. I looked in the support area and saw a public ticket of the same problem where you said "That's a Windows limitation :( You'll have to retake the backups excluding all tmp directories." Is there another way I can get this to work. Obviously, if I am trying to compare an old backup, I will not be able to re-take that backup without the tmp directores as you instruct. Any other suggestions you would have to compare the two backups would be appreciated. I am running Win 8 wth 8MB of Ram and plenty of HD space so hardware limitations should not be an issue. My backup files are large though, at 350+ MB each.
Thank you sir!