
Akeeba Ticket System

#40782 Product Suggestion - Reminder date/days to respond

Posted in ‘Akeeba Ticket System for Joomla! 4 & 5’
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Latest post by dunwin on Wednesday, 05 June 2024 03:37 CDT


 We are very happy with ATS, it works well for us. What would be nice is when replying/updating a ticket, you could set a number of days or set a date when you require a response from the other party. If the number of days or date is reached and the person who has to respond has not responded then an email is sent reminding them of the need to respond.

Kind regards


 David Unwin - London UK

Akeeba Staff

Do you mean like what the Auto-replies feature already does, or something different?

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!



Yes, something like auto-replies, but allow the creator or responder to set the time in the ticket. 

Example, the creator needs to have a response to a support ticket at the latest in 5 days time. The responder would get a notice in the ticket that a response was required at 

the latest in 5 days time. If they had not responded in that time, then the responder would receive an email reminding them.

Hope this makes sense ??


 David Unwin - London UK

Akeeba Staff

So, let me see if I get this right.

Alice is the Client. Bob is the support staff.

Alice submits a ticket. Alice, via an as yet unspecified method, chooses that she wishes the ticket to be responded within 5 days.

If Bob submits a reply, no further action is taken.

If Bob does NOT submit a reply at all within 5 calendar days a notification is sent.

If Bob submits a reply, Alice follows up, but Bob does not respond for another 7 days NO NOTIFICATION is sent.

Does that sound about right?

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Hi Nicholas,

Yes, your example is correct except for: 

"If Bob submits a reply, Alice follows up, but Bob does not respond for another 7 days NO NOTIFICATION is sent." .........unless Alice sets a number of days to respond on her reply to Bob.

So each time Alice follows up, unless she sets a time to respond, Bob will NOT get a notification.

Hope this helps


 David Unwin - London UK

Akeeba Staff

I'm afraid that the feature you are looking for is inherently incompatible with the majority of features we have in ATS, and does not fit a mass-distributed helpdesk component like ours to begin with.

I understand that in your head it looks really simple. "Every post has a drop-down, if there's no reply after this many days an email is sent out".

Who defines the contents of the drop-down? Are they per category?

What constitutes a reply? A post from any manager, the assigned manager, an invited user on the client's side, or a non-manager user with post permissions on the ticket? Who defines those rules? Are these rules per category, or per ticket? How do you make an interface for them that does not require a PhD in Mathematics to understand?

Who gets notified? Would that be the same rules as the open ticket email, or different? Things can get really complicated when you take into consideration that there may or may not be an assigned manager, there are invited users, and there are users with read and post permissions per category. If you go by permissions, a public ticket would have to email all users on the site, which sounds wrong. Who defines those rules? Are they per category? And, again, how do you make an interface which even remotely makes sense?

What happens if a ticket is misfiled in a wrong category? How does the system respond to a category move?

What happens if a post is edited? What happens if a post is edited after a notification has been sent out, but the new deadline is into the future? What happens if a post is edited and the new deadline is now into the past? Should we allow it?

How do you process all these alerts without the entire system being dog slow?

These are just the obvious problems I can see. There is no good generic answer to them, which is a necessity for implementing something like that in a mass-distributed software. The only viable way to do this is to develop your bespoke helpdesk component, with rigid rules. The downside to that is that any change in the rules costs a lot (thing thousands of pounds) to change, and there's massive development inertia since this "simple" feature actually touches every single aspect of the helpdesk.

This is why I will have to say no to it. I'm sorry.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!



re "I understand that in your head it looks really simple. "Every post has a drop-down, if there's no reply after this many days an email is sent out"."

Yes, it did to me. However, I am aware of how these "simple" things are not as simple as they look.

As it says in the title of the ticket, 'Suggestion' not a requirement.

Thank you for taking the time to explain

Kind regards


 David Unwin - London UK

Support Information

Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

Support policy: We would like to kindly inform you that when using our support you have already agreed to the Support Policy which is part of our Terms of Service. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us help you!