I created a brand new site- for internal use and one of the users has modified various pieces of code from the old joomla3 versions of software and ATS is partially shafted
It works fully backend, and tickets can be logged but any front end function that 'lists tickets' is utterly shafted
Akeeba Ticket System - An unhandled Exception has been detected 500 The number of variables must match the number of parameters in the prepared statement
I assumed it was a bogus override but even after these have been removed, error still persists. Sadly this individual is on leave but i am guessing he has changed some core views and fields.
No backup
No version control
Just someone who 'thinks he knows what he is doing'
I would like to remove and reinstall ATS which seems ideal, however there are a LOT of custom fields which will take hours to recreate
If i remove ATS, will the fields and categories disappear or stay and be picked up by the new ATS?