I've found 2 small bugs in the latest version of Akeeba Ticket System.
1) In the file :
joomla_root/administrator/components/com_ats/Helper/Html.php on the line 218 you use array_merge to combine the custom statuses of the tickets with "Open", "Pending" and "Close" but this changes the key of the custom statuses if the keys are integer values.
For a simple test replace the keys of one of the arrays to ineteger values here:
So the id of the custom status is changed if it doesn't start with 0 or if the ids are not in order or one is missing.
2) I get an AJAX error when duplicating the site on a windows computer because the AJX url is wrong.
The url called is this:
instead of :
Please notice the missing "/" before index.php.
Let me know if you need more details from me.