I think I've found 2 small bugs in Akeeba Ticket System and I have a suggestion.
1) After I install the Akeeba Ticket System 2.4.1 the back-end of Admin Tools (Professional v.5.0.2) becomes unformatted. I don't see any errors in the Dev Tools of the page.
The problem is gone if I reinstall Admin Tools and both extensions look fine after that.
2) The custom ticket statuses are not displayed no matter how I define them in the back-end of Akeeba Ticket System. I've found the function that displayed the select field in the file "administrator/components/com_ats/Helper/ComponentParams.php" and added this line of code:
if(!is_array($statuses)){$statuses = array();}
just before the line:
$statuses[$part[0]] = $parts[1];
3) I need to navigate often from the details of the ticket back to the list of tickets, without making changes to the ticket. Can you add a "Back" button on that page? I managed to do this through javascript but maybe other have the same problem. I know you can click the "Back" button of the browser but I keep telling the customers to use the available buttons on the page. This would help with the consistency in using the site, I think.
Thank you