As we have a Backblaze B2 account, we would like to save the backup archives there.
The hosting environment is prone to fail when files are bigger than 2GB and that's why are splitting the files, usint the JPA Format just below this mark.
This generates a filename ending with .jp and the part number for easier restore. After sending this files over to Backblaze, we see only .jpa endings in all the filenames... the part numbers are gone and it is impossible to differentiate them.
Is there any possibility to include the part number in the file name?
I RTFM at https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/akeeba-solo/configuration.html under section "Backup archive name" but wasn't very successful solving my problem.
Thanks for any ideas how I may get this working.
P.s.: The instructions for the Backblaze connection is outdated, as the descriptions changed. If you are interested in an updated version, just let me know. I had quite some trial and error to do until it worked.