
Akeeba Solo

#25591 possibility to add a note

Posted in ‘Akeeba Solo (standalone)’
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Latest post by on Thursday, 11 August 2016 17:20 CDT
Dear All,

I want to submit a feature request.

I think it would be very usefull when there is a possibility to add a note (perhaps to manual backup-runs or to all backup runs) which is readable in the list of the backups.

For example - I'm doing 2-3 manual backups during big changes (before update and after update or big website-edit-tasks) These backups are at the same day and I can't remeber after a few weeks which backup is the right to archive elsewhere or to delete (or to restore).

A short note (backup before CMS-Update; backup after CMS-Update Version X.Y.Z) ... would be very helpful and should be easy to integrate it Akeeba Solo?

What do you think?

If you click on the backup button (NOT the one click backup) you can enter a backup comment on the settings screen. That comment will show as a ? icon on the Manage Backups screen. You can hover over the icon and read the comment.

Dale L. Brackin
Support Specialist

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Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

My time zone is EST (UTC -5) (click here to see my current time in Philadelphia, PA)

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