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Joomla! version: 1.5.23 or 1.5.24
PHP version: 5.3.1
MySQL version: (unknown)
Host: (optional, but it helps us help you)
Akeeba Backup version: varies
Description of my issue:
I have successfully gotten Remote CLI up and running (a painful transition for me from the old Remote Control!) ... but there are a couple of sites that are having problems.
The backup and download on those sites APPEARS to be successful -- no errors in Remote CLI ... but the file it "downloads" to my local machine is 0kb -- it's clearly not completing the download.
In the site's back end in "Administer Backup Files" the Remote CLI backup is listed as successful, but the .jpa file is there -- not downloaded and not deleted as the script calls for.
Here's an example of the command in my .bat file:
php remote.phar --action=backup --host=http://domain.com --secret=secretword --profile=1 --download --dlmode=curl
--dlpath="c:\jobs\backups\domain" --dlurl="ftp://user:[email protected]/public_html/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup" --delete
What could this be? Because it's creating the .jpa filename in the local directory, I know it's finding the directory and starting the download ... but it's not completing it for some reason.