PHP version: PHP Version 5.1.6
MySQL version: MySQL 5.0.66a
Akeeba Backup version: 3.3.4.
Hello I transferred a web site to a new server with Akeeba Backup 3.3.4. The problem is the server has PHP 5.1.6. As a result I can’t access Akeeba Backup AND I can’t access the install/uninstall admin page! If I try to access either Akeeba or “install/uninstall” I get the following message: “500 - An error has occurred. PHP 4.x, 5.0 and 5.1 is no longer supported by Akeeba Backup.”
What should I do? Is it possible to uninstall Akeeba Backup manually? Is there an older yet decent version of Akeeba Backup running under PHP 5.1.6?