Today I updated from 1.6 to 1.7. This worked OK, but there was a problem with the template I was using. I decided to try a different template and used Dreamweaver to manage some changes to the CSS and image files. I then synchronised my local and test folders. Lots of updates of course following the update from 1.6 to 1.7.
However, when I went back to my Admin page I got the dreaded 'Infinite loop detected in JError' message when I refreshed the browser.
I eventually decided to restore using the backup I made before doing the update. I did this using kickstart. I can now see my original front end pages, but still get the same error message when I try to view the Admin screen.
It looks as though something has not been overwritten or deleted when the backup was restored. Is that possible?
The only idea I now have is to do this manually by erasing all the files on my site, dump all the tables, and then try kickstart again. However, I have a feeling that is the way kickstart works anyway, so it might be panic time!
Any suggestions?