Normally, things run smooth and this is likely my failure to grasp something or other but I'm having trouble backing up one site to S3. I get the following error in Step 14:
Failed to process file /home/xxxx/backups/clone-site-backups/
WARNING |101217 22:26:52|Error received from the post-processing engine:
WARNING |101217 22:26:52|AEUtilAmazons3::putObject(): [6] Couldn't resolve host 'http:'
DEBUG |101217 22:26:52|No quotas were defined; old backup files will be kept intact
The connection with S3 looks right but the backup isn't moving the backup to the S3 bucket. I've set the plugin to chunk the backup into multiple pieces per the instructions if that has any bearing on the issue.
Any help resolving this will be appreciated.