Before the site was open for users I just made a fullsite backup of my localhost site, put the archive on the internet site and the kickstart.php and voila, my internet site was "upgraded" in no-time.
And that is what I need, because they are feeding it with new information continously, day and night.
Hard to find a moment to upgrade and then it must be done very fast.
So I try to prepare everything on my localhost as much as possible, make a backup and then install this on the internet.
From the moment the site is open for users this becomes a lot more tricky of course, because I don't want to replace their entries with the dummy ones on my local host which are there only for developmental reasons.
So I bought the proversion of akeeba backup because here I can pick more precisely what to include or exlude in the backup.
For instance when I exlude the jos_content table from the backup of my localhost, make a backup and then restore that with kickstart on my lifesite, the jos_content table will still be there untouched, isn't it?
Because the option "drop tables" in kickstart only applies to tables with the same name, right?
Now I have the following problem:
I have a table on my life site and people are adding data to that table.
On my localhost I made a lot of changes to the structure of that particular table.
Changes like varchar options, and changing the kind of field etc.
In the proversion, when I am making a backup of my localhost I check the second item (no content), because the content on my localhost is just nonsense for developmental reasons.
When I make a backup and put that on my life site and install with kickstart, I have this table with the right structure but all the previous data gone.
Boy was I glad I did that on a demosite first?
I stupidly thought that when I said not to save the data on my localhost, it would let alone the data on my life-site.
After thinking through I kind of understan the logic.
The "drop table" option in kickstart means that everytable of the same name will be replaced by the table of that name in the backup.
Isn't it?
Now here is my problem:
After installing the new "upgrade" to my life site I have a few empty tables but with the new structure, most of which are changes in varchar options etc.
I want to get my old data back in this table.
How do I do that?
I have the following plan, but don't know how to execute that plan correctly.
Before I do anything I first go to phpmyadmin and save the table in question as "data only" in a sql file.( so not the structure but only the data and only for this particular table).
Then after the whole process I just can import this file in the just table.
Is this a prudent way to go or am I just stupid to think it would be that easy?
I am doubting more and more because I just can't find anything on the internet.
That's the reason I ask you, doesn't anybody has the same problem or maybe I am looking in the wrong direction?
But if my idea is right:
What settings must I use in phpmyadmin to save only my tables data and not the structure in my sql file?
Please help me
Greetings harbrum