Actually, the decision to make a Joomla! 4 CLI application was something that us third party developers were asking of Joomla! for the longest time – I'm talking about a decade before it was finally implemented.
Joomla! did it the right way by using the Symphony Console package to implement it; this is the standard PHP way to create CLI applications.
Joomla! implemented it since the early 4.0 alphas, and they did ask those of us with CLI scripts in our software to test it and provide feedback. I can attest that I was one very happy camper, and have enthusiastically embraced it. The CLI application solved a ton of problems we've had in the past, even with Joomla! 3 providing a fairly solid JApplicationCli
class which allowed us to write CLI utilities for Joomla! sites. Having everything controlled by a plugin, using Symphony Console commands, with a PSR-4 autoloader, while having a full Joomla! runtime available has been a godsend. We could remove a lot of very hard to test code, chockfull of nested if-blocks which tried to accommodate for the differences between Joomla! versions.
But that's irrelevant.
The actual problem you had is that the plugin author has not been following the best practices to avoid breaking Joomla!, practices which have been around for well over a decade (and some for almost two decades) as I explained all of that back in June 2022. You can't blame Joomla! for that. You should get in contact with that developer letting them know their plugin breaks Joomla's CLI application, and point them to my blog post so they can fix their software.
Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Lead Developer and Director
🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!