Hoi Nicolas,
I have now set up Panopticon for a few website(s) and now want to take the next step.
This step is automating my BackUps with Akeeba Backup.
Can this indeed be done via Panopticon or can I set it up via Akeeba Backup.
If the following is the correct instructional video.
My backup policy, I now do manually:
1) Every Monday of every week I make a backup;
2) I make a backup every 1st of the month;
3) I make a backup every last day of the month.
I would like to automate this policy for all my website(s).
Is this video a good tutorial for this or is there another one as I want to do it from Panopticon.
Before I get started, I want to go through the video or instruction step by step and test whether I can get it to work.