I am trying to create a new backup profile by cli with this command:
akeeba:profile:create --description="weekly"
but I get following response
The "description" argument does not exist.
If I try to copy the existing profile #1 by
akeeba:profile:copy --id="1" --description="Weekly backup profile"
I get
The "--id" option does not exist.
I have successfully set a filter to profile #1 by
akeeba:filter:exclude backup --root=[SITEROOT] --filterType=directories'
or set the output directory by
akeeba:option:set akeeba.basic.output_directory [SITEROOT]backup
so I think, I may understand the syntax. What is wrong with my commands to create or copy a profile?
Regarding this:
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Please attach a ZIP file containing your Akeeba Backup log file in order for us to help you with any backup or restoration issue. If the file is over 10MiB, please upload it on your server and post a link to it.
Does the cli generates a log file?