EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Please attach a ZIP file containing your Akeeba Backup log file in order for us to help you with any backup or restoration issue. If the file is over 10MiB, please upload it on your server and post a link to it.
I've managed to get Xammp to stop working somehow when trying to restore my Akeeba Backup file to my live hosting on Inmotion hosting. I still have my Akeeba Backup site backup file, but I don't know how to restore that one to either localhost or put onto the live hosting.
I was having issues upgrading from Joomla 4 to 5 as all the sites I have tried to do that with have crashed and so I decided to rebuild a site in Joomla 5 on Xammp. That was all good and working and so created a backup with Akeeba. However I was unable to restore the site on my InMotion hosting as I was unable to connect to the database when I entered the details in Angie.
Trying to restore the site on the new version of Xammp I've installed I'm using these details;
Database type - MySQLi (preferred)
Database server host name- localhost
User name - root
Password - (left this blank as didn't set a password originally as I recall)
Database name - cooking
Database table name prefix - sfkis_
Now I'm not certain that those details are correct as those are the details from the database I created on localhost when I set that up and it was all working. Something I have done has caused Xammp and the localhost version of the site I'd created to stop working on localhost.
I still have my jpa backup file I'd created from the site but don't seem able to restore it to the live site hosting on Inmotion or the localhost. I tried entering the details for the new database I created on Inmotion and wasn't able to connect to the database and restore the localhost site to Inmotion either. As I understand the instructions and videos the details I am supposed to be entering for the database are the ones from the database I created to work with Xammp on local host and not the ones for the new database on Inmotion right? As at the moment I can't restore it to local host or Inmotion. So clearly I'm doing something wrong. I have successfully done this in the past but that was a number of years ago now. Please can you help, happy to give you my hosting details for Inmorion so you can log in and have a look.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Best regards