i am trying to create a test system in a subdomain. i took a cpanel full backup of production and extracted it into public_html/test/public_html but not all akeeba files are in the new set of folders.
administrator/components/com_akeebabackup is missing. even when i copy that folder in there, i still can't log on.
i had a similar problem before when creating a test system under joomla 3, but i got around that by copying files.
1. why isn't all the akeeba backup stuff in the full backup? am i being stupid? this would seem to me to be the place to start, ie to get a complete backup!.
if i view the backup file i see:
-rw-r--r-- peninsula/peninsula 31 2014-10-01 06:52 backup-1.16.2024_12-32-46_peninsula/homedir/public_html/administrator/components/com_ajax/index.html
drwxr-xr-x peninsula/peninsula 0 2023-07-31 15:24 backup-1.16.2024_12-32-46_peninsula/homedir/public_html/administrator/components/com_associations/
2. i can't log on to joomla as normal or even as an administrator. get
Trait "Akeeba\Component\AkeebaBackup\Administrator\CliCommands\MixIt\InitialiseEngine" not found in
/home/peninsula/public_html/testsystem/public_html/plugins/task/akeebabackup/src/Extension/AkeebaBackup.php on line 43
(class AkeebaBackup extends CMSPlugin implements SubscriberInterface, DatabaseAwareInterface)
not great that even an administrator can't log on !
presumably there are more missing files ???
would appreciate some advice, many thanks!