I'm sorry that you feel that way. Unfortunately, a refund cannot be provided for your subscription for the reasons explained in the Refund Policy which is an integral part of our Terms of Service. Our Refund Policy is in accordance with the European Union consumer protection Directive 2011/83/EU, see Chapter I, Article 16, paragraph (m) for the applicable exception from the right of withdrawal for intangible goods.
Before subscribing you explicitly indicated that you unreservedly agree to our Terms of Service. A link to the Terms of Service page was provided to you in the very short text next to the checkbox to dispel any doubts about the exact document you are agreeing with. The document is written in simple, non-legal English to facilitate comprehension in accordance with the EU consumer protection directive.
You accepted the Terms of Service so by checking a box that is always unchecked unless explicitly checked by you right before payment. You could not initiate payment unless checking the box. This satisfies the EU consumer protection directive's requirement for informed consent about the Terms of Service.
The Terms of Service explicitly state that you agree and understand that you waive your withdrawal right (i.e. waiving your right to a refund) as soon as you begin a download of our software or make a software support request. This plus the obligatory and default non-checked state of the checkbox satisfies the condition set forth by the EU consumer protection directive for the client to positively indicate that they have been informed about the actions which lead to immediate waiving of their right to withdrawal.
Furthermore, the EU consumer protection directive requires the vendor (us) to provide adequate information about the product to the consumer (you), including the software capabilities and requirements of the environment typically used to run the software. This requirement is satisfied with the information in our product pages, documentation and Compatiblity page. Moreover, most of our software has free of charge Core versions which you can freely use to evaluate the compatibility of our software with your server environment and the fitness for your particular needs. Finally, we provide free of charge pre-sales requests if you have questions not covered by the provided material.
We have already fulfilled the requirements of the EU consumer protection directive to protect the client (you). However, since you took actions that cause you to waive your right to withdrawal (as explained in the Terms of Service you accepted) we are unable to give you a refund. The actions that you took that caused your right to a refund to be waived are:
- Download of Akeeba Backup Professional for Joomla 4 9.4.5 on 2023-01-07 18:11 EET from IP address
- Ticket 38287 (this ticket here) regarding the configuration you need to provide to support your use case. I replied to the issue you described. You appear to believe that you have a completely different issue than what you described. As per our ToS this issue will now be closed.
- Ticket 38279. Your problem is that you are NOT following the simple instruction I gave you, therefore the liability of the issue not being resolved is on you.
Finally, I'd like to repeat what I told you in ticket 38279. Using false pretenses to demand a refund -- especially when the false pretense has actually to do with you denying to follow a simple instruction -- is absolutely unacceptable and in direct violation of our Terms of Service. To put it simply: if you keep arriving at irrational conclusions instead of following simple instructions I will understand that you are trying to get a fraudulent refund and your account will be terminated for fraud. If you want to actually receive help just follow the simple instruction I gave you -- again, I asked you to ASK YOUR HOST what is the path to the PHP CLI executable and use that in your command line -- and if you have further questions I and Davide are here to help.
This ticket is now closed.
Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Lead Developer and Director
🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!