I take the liberty of making these suggestions in the hope that it will not upset you or your entourage ;-) ?
I have long left the default settings and used the wizard; Now with more automation of backup on shared servers, I had to look at optimization, especially since I realized that we could do better than the wizard :-)
I spent many hours testing with a real difficulty of understanding, because it touches areas of security, database where I am not very competent!
I try to explain a bit more by giving some examples, but honestly, my problem was also to be constantly re (recheck) after changing a parameter.
As soon as I select where to modify a "Quota management" parameter ("Enable maximum backup age quotas" ...) or "Post-processing engine" ...
=> this implies that other accessible parameters are not valid anymore
My suggestion is ;
1/ mount the choices, which will impact the most parameters, at the top of the page like the 2 mentioned,
2/ allow only the parameters that are related to previous choices.
3/ Make inactive BUT visible the parameters that are impacted by a parameter change
I hope you can think a little bit about this with other people to improve this setting. I hope that my bad English will not be unfavorable to me