I have created a profile named "Online Backup" configured so that its backups be stored into a remote S3 Object storage server (Contabo Object Storage - https://contabo.com/en/object-storage).
I have setup the same setup in a couple dozen different websites and setup a cron job to each for an automatic weekly backup.
Everythng works fine as long as the backup files are less than 200MB. If a backup file happens to surpass the 200MB at a certain week Akeeba Backup fails to upload the file to the remote Object Storage server with the warning message as per below: (I have placed certain names within "< >" for clarity purposes)
Failed to process file /home/<accountID>/public_html/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/<fileName>.jpa Error received from the post-processing engine: Unexpected HTTP status 413 Post-processing interrupted -- no more files will be transferredThe Object Storage server has a maximum size limitation is 5TB per object. I tried to manually upload, through the Object Storage server's control panel, one of those files that Akeeba Backup failed to upload, and the uploading went through just fine. Is there something that can be done at the Akeeba Backup program side, or should I check with the Object Storage server's support, and what should I ask them when the uploading problem is faced only with the Akeeba Backup program?