Support in ENGLISH, please.
Here is my situation and question:
Our hosting provider is currently in the process of upgrading their cPanel server that will have the following php versions available, when ready: php7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 8.0. (We do have the option of getting older versions of php if your recommended upgrade path requires us to use those as part of the upgrade process).
Right now however, we are running the latest Joomla 3.9.24 version, and the php version is 5.6.39.
I have just purchased the PRO version of Akeeba Backup, fyi.
Here is my question: Will we need to utilize older version(s) of php and create "intermediate" backups in order to be able to use this latest version of Akeeba Backup Pro? If so, can you please tell me which version(s) of php I would need to utilize for the intermediate backups as we "step up" to the latest php version?
Of course, if we can simply use our new Akeeba Backup Pro to backup our current Joomla site that is now running php 5.6.39, and then restore that backup into the new Joomla instance that will be available on the new server which will be running one of these new versions (php7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0), this would be fantastic news.
Please tell me your recommend upgrade process relative to the above information.
Thank you!