I was hoping I could get some support with using Akeeba Backup as a website staging solution. I've only used Akeeba in the past for restoring broken websites, but it was never for staging.
I think I'm mostly confused or worried about these things (let's just say for example sake, example.com is the live website and beta.example.com is the staged website):
- What are the exact steps for replacing a live website with a staged website?
(I would've thought you delete everything in the live website's directory, add the .jpa and kickstart.php and install, but my worry is that there's a lot of downtime as you delete and install).
- Is there any way to keep specific variables the same without having to change them all the time? Particularly logs/tmp paths which stay the same in global configuration.
- How exactly does the database copying work? Let's say there's db-main and db-beta. I develop the website beta.example.com which is linked to db-beta and is updated more than db-main. I plan to replace db-main with db-beta. How is this managed through Akeeba restoration?
Apologies if these questions are a little basic. I've visited some pages and the official staging documentation page and I understood the concept but I think I may need more detail. Thank you, much appreciated.
I use Plesk if that helps. If we had to use directories as example...
The main website would be in:
and the beta website would be in:
All log files as are usually inside the 'httpdocs' folder of the respective directory.