EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Please attach a ZIP file containing your Akeeba Backup log file in order for us to help you with any backup or restoration issue. If the file is over 2Mb, please upload it on your server and post a link to it.
Description of my issue:
We have to backup our customer website which uses php 4.4.3 on Joomla 1.5.8. We do not have any access to ftp and sql server (credentials forgotten) but we still have access to admin section of Joomla.
I think the only solution to manage the backup and move from old Free server to ours should be by backuping with Akeeba Backup and manually find the sql credentials into the backuped files. From there I could:
- login to Free website sql database with foud credentials, then backup sql
- restore backup manually to new webserver (with probably error relative to old sql credential information)
- create the new database on our server
- manually correct the information in php files
By the way, I don't fin any version of Akeeba Backup which works with php 4.4.3... Because I don't have any access to hosting server by ftp, I can't change the executed php version.
So the question is... Is there any old version of AB compatible with 4.4.3 version oh PHP?
Many thanks for any idea!