Description of my issue:
When I test the connection in the backend of Joomla, I get this message:
SFTP Connection Test
Could not connect to the remote SFTP server.
Your web server does not have the SSH2 PHP module, therefore can not connect to SFTP servers.
I have discussed this with the techs in charge of the Linux servers. Both the web server and the receiving server have SSH2 installed and enabled. We have been able to connect manually from the web server to the receiving server using the User account information.
I traced this error message to the code in a few places in Akeeba:
public function connect() { // Try to connect to the SSH server if (!function_exists('ssh2_connect')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Your web server does not have the SSH2 PHP module, therefore can not connect to SFTP servers.', 500); } $this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port); if ($this->connection === false) { $this->connection = null; throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot connect to SFTP server [host:port] = %s:%s', $this->host, $this->port), 500); }
So it seems that the website is failing the check to the ssh2_connect statement. What is this missing? What should I be asking our techs for to prove that the SSH2 module (and lib) is installed and enabled?
Where do I go from here...