I'am really disapointed. Those last time impossible to do web migration with Akeeba. I had renew my licence those day but it seems for nothing.
I choosed Akeeba for have a simple solution working all time. Those last try I systematicly have a problem of impossibility to connect the new website (new location after migration) to the new database, when changing manualy my configuration.php it's idem !
For this last time, of moving location website it's the same (impossible to connect to the new sql data base, even manualy) and I have acces to admin but no front end !https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/troubleshooter/post-restoration.html#pr404
I can't loose to much time (see my previous post (...closed with no solution!), I will again do a full (ftp+sql) migration manualy without akebba, it will be easier.
Other kind of pb conflict bettewen Admintools and Hikashop impossible to solve, so I had to delete Admintools...
Do I am alone in this case?