Description of my issue:
1. I perform a FULL backup of the site - which works 100% successfully. (I split them to 100mb in size post process the files up to dropbox)
2. I then perform a kickstart restore (after copying the .jpa files to the same folder so I'm not 'pulling them from dropbox' during the restore - to another Server and another MySQL DB and it seems to proceed OK HOWEVER - towards the final 'Next' step, I receive the attached error message (capture1.jpg) in the browser
3. In the previous browser tab - I can click the 'Clean Up' button and the site appears to be OK when logging into the backend, BUT - it's not taken the new MySQL db settings I entered during the restore - it's still set as the old MySQL DB???
Please help with the error and also why the MySQL settings are not changing to what I enter during the kickstart restore process?
Thank you.