Description of my issue:
I read the documentation and looked for related tickets. I found some tickets on similar subjects but saw nothing on the specific message I'm getting so ...
My output directory on my server is one level above my root (i.e., on peer level with public_html) and appears to be working fine. Backup archives and (readable) log files are being saved there, etc.
However, in the configuration when I specified this directory, I did get a message that says "This directory is outside your site's root and its contents may be unreadable." Is that OK? In general, I thought it would be good/harmless to put the backup directory outside the root. Also, in case this matters -- the log file in the output directory "named akeeba.cli.log" is empty, athough akeeba.log and the various "" files are populating (and readable).
I have the backups also going to Dropbox, and have tested a restore from there, which has gone fine. I have not actually tried to restore from the locally saved backups above the site root, so I suppose it's possible they're corrupt, even though the ones going to Dropbox are not?