Description of my issue:
Hi, I have used both Akeeba Backup and Admin Tools for a while but find Admin Tools a bit tricky to use as it often gives me problems to login at the sites and in thi scase it locks me out from doing things a superadmin in the backend.
So I uninstalled AdminTools and then tried to make an Akeeba backup but got the "Error: 403 - you don't have credentials to see this resource."
So I uninstalled also akeeba and then reinstalled it and went to the Components/Akeeba backup and of course got the Configuration Wizard so I press the button to run it but get the same error message.... sigh..
It seems like a dead end.
Everytime this happens I see m to go down as only some kind of lower user with only restricted backend accessm not as superadmin any more. so what is going on is for me a mystery.
Is this Akeeba related?
If so is there any way to get back and reinstall akeeba backup and also admintools as I want a secure site.
Looking forward to your reply.
All the best