I cannot get S3 uploads working with NEW S3 buckets.
I have created a new bucket and user in AWS Ireland. The credentials work and the bucket can be written to (validated using other software). When I use them with Akeeba, I get the following error:
Upload cannot be initialised. Amazon S3 returned an error message: 0 :: Akeeba\Engine\Postproc\Connector\S3v4\Connector::startMultipart(): [0] The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. Debug info: SimpleXMLElement Object ( [Code] => SignatureDoesNotMatch [Message] => The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. ...
If I add an older bucket to Akeeba, it works fine. If I give the user permission to write to an older bucket, it also works fine. (IE it doesn't appear to be a problem with the S3 user or policy). The S3 settings appear exactly the same in between the two S3 buckets.
The bucket name is all lower-case, as is the user.
I have generated new keys several times; it makes no difference. The keys work using Coda to connect.
It seems as if Akeeba cannot write to newly created buckets only?
Thoughts appreciated!